Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chuck Em Up!

If you aren't aware of Dooce by now, you are a very virgin blogger. Dooce is the Queen of Blogdom. QUEEN, bitches!

One of the greatest part of her blog is her taking pictures of her dog, Chuck, with stuff balancing on his head. It is called The Daily Chuck. It makes me giggle.

We decided the other night, during one of our Miller Lite/watch TV nights, that we should stack stuff on Stryker Hawks head...and the result:

He really did just sit there and let us stack stuff on his head and take pictures. Most awesome cat...EVER!

I also couldn't help but write Dooce to tell I sent her an e-mail yesterday:

This is my roommate's cat, Stryker Hawk. He is the most dog like cat I have ever met. Last night we decided to "Chuck Him Up", so we started stacking stuff on his head. As you can clearly see from the pictures, this was a drunken activity, but no worries; no cats were harmed or drunk during this amazing feat!


And much to my DELIGHT!!!!! her blogmajesty herself wrote me back!!

Soooo cute. Maybe related??
much love

OK, so it wasn't an EXTENSIVE e-mail, but all the same...STOKED!

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