Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So far, so good! House stuff is coming along nicely. The inspection was today, only minor stuff to fix:

Compressor works on the AC, however, they couldn't get it to cool...meaning the freon probably leaked out since it has been sitting for a while. No worries.

Drains in the bathtubs drain a little slow.

A hardwiring job needs to happen for the garage door...right now they have it running off an extension cord. Ghetto fabulous!

Dishwasher is loud as SHIT. That will be replaced. (has nothing to do with actual inspection...that was me yelling at the inspection dude over the sound of the dishwasher saying that it WILL be replaced)

Disposal is locked up from non-use. Time to break out the manual disposal turner thing.

Paint was even MORE horrific with the electricity on. WOW. Good news though, no electrical problems!

Found a brand new beach chair in the attic...AND Christmas lights! SCORE! If I had known THAT was there, we would have offered MORE for the house! Hehehe!

No buggies! Termite man came out...we are clear for all bugs that are destructive!

Now to get the appraisal in and get this mo fo closed!

Fingers to remain crossed until the closing is finished!
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