Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday Hangover...Totally Worth It!

Since Rob and Karmen are stuck here for a while, we decided to have them over for dinner yesterday. I made my famous, or infamous, whatever, cheesy, sour cream, chicken enchiladas. Or burritos. They are technically burritos, but as Krystal pointed out, that just doesn't roll off the tongue as well.

I am PRETTY sure they liked the burritos...they DID eat everything on their plate, so I can only assume that they were good. They are totally one of my favorite things to eat.

After eating we watched Angels and Demons (Tom Hanks). I thought it was a fabulous movie! I was pretty stressed out for the majority of it, alot of chain smoking going on.

I made sure to get some pictures this time though! (Note how we use the cat condo as a beer can holder...very convenient)

Yep, they are funny people. We heart them.

They are supposed to join us Saturday for beach time! First beach trip of the season!! WOOT!
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