Monday, April 5, 2010

For the Next Two Days...

...I will be absent from the blog world. I will be travelling up to my hometown to attend the memorial and funeral of my Aunt.

Truly Rest in Peace, Aunt Donna!

It is going to be a hard funeral. Not that any are particularly easy, it is just when someone is so young (54) and leaves so suddenly, it makes it fairly difficult. Especially leaving behind so much family. Both of her parents (my grandparents) are still alive, as well as her aunt and uncle, cousins, brothers, sister, daughter, grandchild. EVERYONE!

I am at peace with her passing, but seeing everyone's pain in the next few days is what is going to get to me.

On a lighter note, here is my Coastie brother, Joseph, helping with the relief in Haiti earlier this year:

The first part of the caption is referring to a picture that I cropped out, but the second part,
I love the end: "OS2 Vega doing a great job of supervising" HA!
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