Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Voting Time!

Bet you didn't think you would have to do that for a few more years...but this is of utmost importance! SO, dearest blog reader, I say to you, help me decide my hair's fate. This is what we are dealing with:

Here are a series of my best shots from the last two years...with various states of short hair:

Please avert your eyes from that precious bottle of vodka that my most awesome boss ever got me for my birthday two years ago.

As usual, Krystal is flabbergasted at my amazing singing abilities

See, amazing:

Little blurry, but this is the shortest I ever had it...and I actually quite liked it! Once again, mad skillz on the mic

Short, but with a spiky in the back. This is one of my dance moves believe it or not. Almost as amazing as my killa spittinz of the lyrics on the mic

And another form of short hair

Pros of short hair:

Not so heavy on my head
It kinda has a style instead of me just pulling my long hair back

Cons of short hair:

Krystal likes my hair long
I fear looking too butch


P.S. Everything I said about mad skillz on a mic is mad lies. But it sure is FUN!

P.P.S. My hair appointment is on Thursday at 12:00pm. All votes should be in before that time. Hair suggestions are also appreciated, either in the form of picture or descriptive words.
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