Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Photo MeMe!!

Totally forgot to do this MeMe the other day. I also just typed MiMi. Not to be confused with your grandmother.

I was tagged by Kat and these are the rulers. Or rules. What is with my typing?

1. Open your first (oldest) photo folder in your computer library

2. Scroll to the 10th photo

3. Post the photo and the story behind it

4. Tag 5 or more people to continue the thread

First of all, my folders are set up differently, so I just went to my oldest folder, which, incidentally, does not hold my oldest photographs. I rearrange a lot.

Anyway, here is the photo:

Well, that would be me, Bobbie and Larkin at my 27th birthday party at Wild Wing, downtown Savannah, with the firm. I think we racked up a $400 tab that day. It was AMAZING!

Five more people...

I will have to get back to you on that one.
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