Tuesday, April 20, 2010


It has been non-stop since last Friday.

Brother Joseph and Ana came in to visit on Friday, they were there promptly at 5:00pm, right after I got off work, with three dogs in tow. All freakin adorable! We drank, smoked, laughed and played downtown Friday night, got up on Saturday and ate some breakfast, went back home, sat, drank, laughed until they had to head home around 4:00pm.

THEN, on Sunday at 5:00pm Krystal's friends Theresa and her husband Jimmy came in from Massachusetts. They had left at 2:00am. Notably tired, we placed beers in their hands and attempted to keep them awake until a normal hour of sleep. This turned into us going downtown and staying out until around 11:00pm. Our job having been done we allowed them to fall into a peaceful slumber.

We (me, KK, Theresa and Jimmy) will be leaving on Thursday to head to Tampa for the wedding of Theresa and KK's high school friend. However, today is my last work day this week. I am taking off work tomorrow to give a small tour of Savannah and all it's wonders.

This includes going on a pub craw ghost tour tonight. OH THE JOYS! Beer, ghosts and a walking tour?!? AMAZING!

So, in sum up, I will see you kids on the flip side. That is Monday.
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