Monday, April 12, 2010

Victory is MINE!

Ahh, the weekend. Probably the most non-productive weekend in FOREVER!

It was spent playing (and beating) Little Big Planet with KK and Bobz. And drinking. We drank two cases of beer in two days. Of course there are three of us, so doing the math, we had...umm, 16 beers each this weekend. Humm, felt like more.

The upstairs neighbors also requested that we have a sit down talk to try and "work things out". They came down to our back porch, promptly, at 3:00pm on Sunday, and gave us a sob story of how sorry they were for being so loud, accompanied by a very complex and innovative plan to move the rooms around so the loudest roommate would be above the ferret room.

My understanding from them was that our landlord said they could stay if they spoke to us and we worked out something. The 30 day period in which you have to let the landlord know if you are going to re-sign the lease has passed, so therefore I figured our landlord had perhaps given them a two week extension of time to figure something out with us.

The main issues I had with the meeting were 1) we have been living there for two years and this is the FIRST freakin time they have come up with the "genius" idea to move rooms?!? 2) this is the first time they have EVER come and spoken with us, even though I have requested to have a meeting with them TWICE in the past and 3) anyone can be quiet for two weeks, but we are all fucked if we sign another year lease as there is nothing we can do, per se, for another 365 days.

SO, after the talk, which was much more pleasant than I had anticipated, I texted Scott, our landlord, to let them know we had agreed on a two week trial period in which they would switch out rooms and we would test the waters. I immediately received a call from Scott, to which he said, there is no trial period, he had simply told them that they were more than welcome to move around the rooms for the sake of being quiet for the next four weeks, but he was not going to re-new the lease and already has two people looking at place this week.

Bummer for them!

I am very much looking forward to having upstairs neighbors who sleep at normal hours and enjoy quiet weekends. The kind where I can actually hear my TV above the sound of boom booom booooom booom boom.

I hate that they are going to have to scramble to find a place to live...wait, no, I am not. After all the sleepless, restless and miserable nights I have had in the last two years, I don't actually give a shit!
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