Thursday, April 15, 2010

And The Winner Is...

Actually, there was no winner in the hair vote. I approached the fabulous Tommy (hair dude) with all of your votes, including pictures from MAW...:

...and told Tommy to have at it. I told him I didn't care if we cut it all of (he gasped in despair) or kept it long, it just needed to be snazzy. He carefully considered all of the votes and decided to do a mix.

Went from this:

to this:

He had to straighten my perm out a bit to make sure the layers were right, so tomorrow the hairs will actually have a slight wave to them, but all is good in the hood, Tommy assured me that it would wear fine both ways.

So for you long(er) hair lovers (MAW, Krystal and people here at the office) it has been spared...for the moment. My trend is usually to keep cutting shorter and shorter...and it is Summer time for beach sake!

So far I am totally diggin the cut, so maybe I won't be jones'n for my short hair for a little while!

I just realized that me and Mom have very similar hair cuts now.

She must have been channeling through Tommy today. Amazing what Mom's can do.
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