Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hold Me Back...

There are good surprises and bad ones.

Bad one today.

The girl, the sister of my best friend, reneged on purchasing my car this morning. Via Facebook message.

Pretty fucked up, right?

We been discussing this for well over two months, in person and on the phone. I called her BEFORE I went and signed for my new car, and AFTER I signed, to remind her that her purchasing the car was absolutely necessary in order for me to get my new vehicle. She said she understood.

On top of that, we spoke on Monday and she said she would be here this morning. In the beginning of our conversations, I told her I would replace the windshield for her before she picked up the vehicle. She told me that she would be here this morning, therefore, keeping my word, I went out and spent $150 getting the windshield replaced yesterday. And because I wanted to do something nice for her, I also had it detailed and filled it up with a full tank of gas.

I now have to find $2,500.00 in two days. I called the dealership about a trade, but everyone knows you get fucked on those. Don't worry, I fully intend on getting my new car on Friday, but replacing trust and kindness is a little more difficult.
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