Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Not Patiently Waiting...

The story of my life the last two weeks is getting a car. The car has been signed for pending my down payment. My down payment is made up of the monies from my current car being sold, which is happening tomorrow and the return of my, um, tax return.

Usually I am not so worried about the monies, but this year I actually have something exciting to put it towards, not that strippers and beer weren't exciting last year, but damn, I can't wait to get behind the wheel of that brand new, silver, 2010 Kia Soul!!

The only other new news is this new keyboard I got for work.

Yeah, that is kinda blurry. This is what it is supposed to look like:

It is the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000. Don't know why it is the 4000, as I do not think it had 3,999 predecessors, but one never knows.

I was in desperate need to have another keyboard as my shoulders, back and wrists were starting to hurt from the massive amount of typing I have been doing lately. My research kept taking me back to split keyboards and this kinda wave design thing. I have to say, I have had no pain at all in my wrists, back or shoulders, but my typing has slowed down. Just takes a little while to get used to. One other hurtle to get past is that all my typing life I have used my left hand to hit the "y" button, which is now impossible to do with this keyboard design. My brain has been tweeking out over that...but I think it is finally starting to learn.

If you know anyone that works for the IRS, please tell them that I really would like to get my car before Friday, but if I have to wait till then I won't die. But I might.
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