Monday, February 22, 2010

Where In The World...

And here I am!

Still busy as all balls at work, but I shall take this moment I have to post.

This weekend I drove three hours north to visit my family to 1) see youngest brother off to boot camp...he reports tomorrow. Air Force Reserve. 2) My grandmother's birthday...I believe it was number 79, but hell, at this point, who is keeping track! 3) to take pictures because 4) Joseph and his wife Ana were also up visiting.

Mom is under the impression that we won't be taking family pictures ever again now that all of her children are out of the house. I hope the 75,026 pictures she took this weekend suffice until the next time.

In celebration of all children leaving the house my parents are taking a vacation to Mexico.

Upon arriving at the homestead there were the welcome sounds of shotguns, 22's and a Glock 40 caliber. Ahhh, living the country life and having brothers. Half my father's yard is dug up due to the fact that I can't hit a target to save my life and my wrist is sore. I have decided to join a shooting range and take classes. I am pretty decent with a rifle, but me and handguns just can't seem to sync up.

There was plenty more that went on in the one and a half days I was there, but alas, I am out of time already. Parting pictures:

Joseph and Ana

Krystal and Bobz on KK's birthday (happend this weekend too):

Happy 25th La Boo Boo!
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