Monday, August 31, 2009

Just Barely Making It...

Welcome to Summer in the South! Home of $375.00 electric bills even if you only keep your air on 77 the entire month.

You know what makes being pitifully broke better?

Cute little Stryker Hawk kitty pictures!!!!

Stryker is the ONLY cat I know that LIKES, nay, WANTS to sleep in your arms and on his back! He is only the cutest most freakin adorable thing EVER!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Orleans - Part II

I am so sorry these New Orleans blogs are so spread apart, but this whole moving offices thing has really kept me busy at work. WHAT? Working AT work? Helluva concept.

So, where was I at...ah, yes, New Orleans!

Nighttime hits New Orleans and we hit the dance clubs!

I attempted to take a picture with the Bobz, but right before I took this pic, he stabbed me in my eye with the tip of his ear. It was a direct shot. I have never been stabbed in the eye with an ear before. It hurt.

We found this awesome street brass band! We were super impressed with the skillz!

This is my "Praise Jey-sus" Move

Then Bobby got completely wasted and started making out with horses.

The next morning, Bobby and Krystal went down by the Mississippi and took some pictures

We later went down to Cafe du Monde and stuffed our faces with some Beignets.

I really enjoyed evidenced by these photos!

We then walked around and did tourist stuff

Yes, this sign says "Phychic Reading"

After we touristed, we went back to our room to freshen up and at some point got into a very deep discussion about all our deodorants. We started sniffing each others deodorants and eventually decided that it would make a pretty hilarious picture

After deoderant time, we headed back down to Bourbon Street for night two of drinking. Shortly upon enterering Bourbon Street, we come across these miniature horses. I. Freakin. Had. A. Fit. I was thiiiiisss close to grabbing one and sticking it in my pocket and high tailing it back to Georgia, but then I realized that it would be really hard to run with a horse in your pocket and a beer in your hand.

This picture was specifically taken for Andy, Bobby's cousin, who owns horses AND works on a ranch type place in South Carolina.

After this picture, Bobby's camera died. I now have to hunt down Larkin and steal her memory card from her camera so I can pick up story telling!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Orleans - Part I

Last Thursday, the crew and I (that would be myself, the roommate Bobz, the girl Krystal and Larkin) decided to go to New Orleans for the weekend. We left Savannah about 6:00 in the afternoon, destination: De Funiak Springs, Florida.

Of course I pronounced it De Funked Springs because it just sounded better. De Funiak is approximately 6 hours and 11 minutes from Savannah. I figured we would make it there about 12:00am - NAY! Totally forgot about the time change! So we actually got there at 11:00pm, which is a totally reasonable hour to down a few beers!

After check-in at the lovely America's Best Value, we headed to Wal-Mart to pick up some beer. We enjoyed the brews till around 12:30am and decided to call it a night.

We woke up at 8:00am, got some coffee and headed to the Waffle House. Oh how I love the Waffle House!

After eating, we once again hit the road, as we had an additional 4 hours to drive before we arrived in New Orleans.

We encountered some pretty bad weather on the way to New Orleans...the kind where you have to go 30mph on the interstate because you can't see ten feet in front of you. However, the storms did produce a pretty bad ass rainbow:

We arrived in New Orleans at approximately 2:04pm and found our destination: the French Quarter Guest House. Just so you know, Mama Dawg is the one that hooked us up with this AWESOME place! Thank you SO MUCH! It was PERFECT!

This is the courtyard. Anytime you have a chance to make your boobs look bigger, take it! And I don't have a mullet, though I have noticed that when I grow my hair out it tends to take the shape of a mullet at times.

So during the off season, and I guess some during the on season, the people who live on the premises are mostly strippers. Needless to say, I was in heaven. All two strippers I met were fabulously kind! YAY!

While Larkin and Bobby were setting up in the room, Krystal and I headed to the nearest corner grocery to obtain some adult barley beverages. We spent the next 30 minutes roaming around trying to find said grocery. Turns out we made a left out of the hotel when we should have made a right. We finally find the place and they only take cash. So we head up the next block and find another grocery. They do indeed have beer, but they have also decided to cram a restaurant, a convenient store, as well as a liquor store in the space of about 300 square feet. This is apparently not uncommon in New Orleans, as we found many of the other shops to be the same. I guess we kinda have something like that in the South, but we call it a Gas, Bait and Bible store. No, really, I have seen one of those.

So we attempt to get a 12 pack from the bottom of a cooler that was crammed in a hallway. On one side is an ice chest, the middle is where you walk and on the other side is the beer fridge. It was so tightly crammed that you couldn't open the beer fridge door all the way and the beer was so tightly crammed that you actually couldn't get it out. We settled on bottles since we could lift those out. Anything for a cold one, ya know!

After having a few beers back at the hotel we decide to head out on the town. We were pretty hungry, so our first stop was Margaritaville.

It was here at Margaritaville that Bobby discovered the Muffuletta. He was so impressed that he had two more (at other resaurants) before the end of the trip AND bought some olive salad so he can make his own. I have to say, it was a bombdiggity sandwich!

We then made our way down to Bourbon Street

Within moments of arriving on Bourbon Street we found a karaoke bar. We are like magnets to those places! So this place is the famous Cat's Meow. It wasn't even the karaoke that drew us to this place, it was three for one beer. SNAP! That's how to do beer specials people!! As you can tell from this photos, I am quite excited about it!

SO before you know it, Larkin and I are on stage rappin out our favorite song, "Shoop".

The rule in this karaoke bar was that if you got up to sing a song that didn't have the words on the screen (they didn't have Shoop karaoke, so we asked the DJ to play just the song) is that the Em Cee has to get up and sing it with you. That is Rebecca up on stage with us. She actually didn't know the words and we pretty much blew her mind with our white rapness! For the second time in our Shoop career, Larkin and I were called Salt N' Salt. SO FUNNY!

After leaving the Cat's Meow, we headed across the street to the Krazy Korner. Krazy is right! These people were bumpin! There was a man playing spoons, a man on a bass guitar, a man on a lead guitar, a man playing drums, a man playing the washboard and a very large, should have been the bouncer, black manly man playing the accordion. The sound was like no other I have ever heard.

After playing a few songs, the band decided to have a dance contest...naturally, one cannot pass up such a contest, so for the second time within an hour of being on Bourbon Street, I was on stage once again.

See that lady lauging behind me? Yeah, she totally humped me right after this picture was taken. Thank you strange lady, it was strangely hot!

I actually was not part of the original group of girls that got up on stage, but was later challenged by the accordion player to come up on stage as the 6th contestant. I totally took the challenge (obviously), but gave all the props to the other girls and exited the stage before the voting began.

I mean, really, is it fair to beat out women that are my mother's age?!? OH!! And I failed to mention that we saw not ONE, but TWO sets of ta-tas from two of the women on stage. They were AT LEAST my Mother's age. I was mortified.

Whew, I have typed enough for today...and to think, at this point we had ONLY been in New Orleans for about 4 hours. The night ended after about 10 hours of drinking...soooo...

More to come soon!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Wait for it...Wait for it...

So I am moving offices today...

Sum up - left for New Orleans at 6:00pm on Thursday, drove six hours, slept, got up, drove another four hours, got to New Orleans, drank...drank...drank...drank...slept...drank...drank...danced...drank...sang karaoke...went to strip club...drank...drank...toured...drank...drank...left New Orleans on Sunday at 12:00pm, home at 1:00am and had to be at work at 9:00am to move offices ALL DAY LONG.

I am exhausted!

Pictures to come VERY soon!! And DAMN are they good!

Friday, August 21, 2009


I got this here award from Dawg and LilliGirl!

Makes this girl feel SPECIAL!! Thank you gals!

There are three rules for this award (I know, WTF?!?):
First, link back to the person who gave you the award
Next, give the award to 10 other bloggers.

1) Jeryln - This is Capt Dumbass' Mom. She needs an award JUST for that.
2) Jes (with one s) - I swear we are twins. Except the whole organic thing, but I would totally eat it if she was cooking it for me!
3) Butch Boo - Cute dogs, motorcycles and beautiful vacations. Need I say more?
4) Michelle - Uhhh, cause she is a gutter slut and I lurve her!
5) Larkin - She is my homeslice! And I lurve her too!
6) Tina's Jess - Going through some major changes in life and I have nothing but admiration for him!
7) MAW at Unmitigated - Yankee, loves sports, likes to scrap book, lives in a state that is shaped like a mitten...all fine reasons to receive this award!
8) Jim - Married to MAW, has recently decided to start blogging and we are all thankful for it!
9) Sunshine - Needs some more awards for her spot! Looks like this is going to be a good addition to blog land!
10) Pearl - Seriously hilarious! Beer, cigs and random thoughts! Soul sisters, we are!

Third, list 10 honest things about yourself.

1) I love tattoos! And piercings!
2) I never did drugs or drank in high school.
3) I have never shared with my family my sexual preference.
4) I really, really hate having a stuffy nose.
5) Other peoples chewed up gum grosses me out. To the point of gagging.
6) I am the oldest of three. Six years older than the middle and eight years older than the youngest.
7) I could eat Mexican food every day.
8) I watch Cops and Worlds Crazy/Scariest/Weirdest Police Chases All. The. Time.
9) Collective Soul is my favorite band. New album dropping August 25th (PLUG!)
10) I plan on going to see Collective Soul September 5th in Atlanta. FREE CONCERT! Drivin N Cryin is opening for them. AWESOME!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Headin Out...

Me and the crew (Krystal, Bobby and Larkin) are heading out to New Orleans tonight. We will be making a pit stop in Florida at some point, but should be in New Orleans by early afternoon on Friday!

There will be PLENTY of pictures to share! See you guys Monday! Have a great weekend!!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Karaoke - Pt 2 (More Pictures AND Video!)

Today is your lucky day!! TODAY, and only TODAY (because tomorrow you would have to click on yesterday's post)

Michelle has posted a blog containing some hilarious pictures, video and aptly named Drunken Downtown Debauchery.

Would you like to learn how to properly dance to "I'm on a Boat"? This dance instruction is complete with the dance move "Ride a horse, slap it's ass" and the classic "Sprinkler".

What the heck are you still doing here?!? Go check out Michelle's post!

P.S. Sunshine gave me an AWARD!!

She is semi-new to bloggy land, but I most definitely enjoy her blogs! Plus she lives in the Cayman Islands! WHAT?!? I know! Thank you dah-lin!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Karaoke Videos!!!

Karaoke videos!! OH SNAP! I have actually never seen myself on stage via video before. I see that I like my hand movements. I just get in my gangsta flow, that's all.

So at the end of the Shoop video, some man of the darker ethnicity, who, hilariously, sung nothing but Country music during his karaoke performances, called me and Larkin Salt 'N' Salt. Obviously, we thought that was quite funny!

Then Michelle's friend Erica challenged me (I KNOW! What karaoke challenge?!? To ME?!?) to sing the Fresh Prince theme song. Pah-leeze! I had never done it karaoke before, but have sang it to my TV OH so many times!

As I understand, Michelle will have some videos and pictures of the above event up later today!! Be on the look out for it. Apparently in one of the videos I decided to teach everyone how to dance to "I'm On A Boat (Motherfucker)". I do recall waking up quite sore the next day...I can only assume it was from the dance lesson.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend Review!

This weekend was straight up crazy.

It got started off because of some changes that happened here at work. My wonderfully awesome work friend (and good friend) of three years, Larkin, was laid off Friday.

We already had plans to go out with Michelle on Friday, so the jobless thing for Larkin just made for an extra specially drunk evening! Michelle has those pictures AND video (OH YES! KARAOKE VIDEO!!) that she will be sending to me soon, so I will go ahead and jump to Saturday.

Saturday. You know how you say, "Let's have a gathering and invite over a few people", then you invite like 6 people, but those 6 people bring people and also invite 10 more people and the next thing you know you are flinging out hot dogs and hamburgers left and right, people are breaking glasses, drinking all the liquor in the house, dancing naked in the living room, doing body shots on the kitchen table and the sun is starting to come up. Yeah, that was Saturday.

As I was sorting through the pictures, I noticed that Saturday night had a few themes.

First we had kissing:

The wind up...

And the smooch!

The classic "cover up the flash with your finger" shots:

Hands. Lots of hand gestures.

Open mouths

The party ended as the sun was coming up Sunday morning. I hopped in the bed, grabbed about 6 hours of sleep, went to IHOP, came home and cleaned the floors and then got in bed with Bobby to watch TV. Then, suddenly, about 7:00pm, a beer jumped in my hand. Again.

I am completely exhausted! Tonight, I rest.
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