Thursday, February 5, 2009

Vince, What the Fuck is Wrong With Your Right Eye, Dude?

We watch alot of TV so we get to view alot of commercials. I now have a new infomercial guy to add to my irritants.

So this is Vince. You may know Vince from his Sham Wow commercials, which, according to reviews, doesn't really wow that many people. All the same, I can't help but watch the commercials and see how they make cuts and that stupid towel isn't really soaking up what he says it know, blah blah...but anyway...

We were watching this here new Vince commercial for the Slap Chop and as Bobby, myself and Krystal were watching we suddenly all exploded in laughter.

Listen to what Vince says at 37 seconds.

Seriously? Really? This made it through editing and promotion? Really? LMAO! Love it!

Recently Larkin convinced us to get the cable preferred channels I now get a few channels in Spanish and I came across Vince giving his Sham Wow commercial in Espanol! I watched the whole thing. It just makes me giggle, what can I say?

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