So, last night's dream was about me having a baby. Except the baby wasn't turned head down and I could see the outline of his face coming through my skin...just under my rib cage. For whatever reason, the skin was getting thinner and thinner and finally he just tore through. Reminded me of this:

Except the baby was much cuter.
So after the baby was born, the doctors told me he didn't have a brain. He was crying and such, so I said, he must have a brain if he can still cry. Apparently the trauma of birthing a child through your skin created some problems for me and I went into a coma for two years. After I woke up, Krystal was standing there and she was filling me in on the last two years. I asked if she had a girlfriend, and she stated that she had two, but they were both alcoholics. I let her know that I did not blame her for not waiting on me. Then I asked her to marry me...which she accepted, so I let her know that I needed some money to buy a wedding ring. She told me that she had emptied my bank account when I went into my coma and that she had spent all my money.
My friend Christine had also gotten married, my friend Brian's father died of a heart attack and my mother was in jail for fraud.
My dreams are awesome.