Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Might Be TMI, But We Are Friends, Right?

'Sup peeps. I'm back, nah nah nah na nah nah nah na nah nahhhh. Fix your bent antenna tune it in and then I'm gonna enter in...


The following may be TMI for you, but lets face it, we have covered my UTI's on here, and I know we all poop, fart and pee.

So yesterday I went and got the Implanon...well, implanted on me.

Some of you may be wondering, "Well, why in the name of tiny little ponies would Jess need to be on birth control?"

Two words my friend, two words: NO PERIOD.

Also, hormones really help out those little irritants called cysts that decided to take up residence on one or both of your ovaries...lovely little fuckers.

So this entire procedure is really interesting.

First of all you have to lay down on the table and the Dr. or P.A. will take a gander at the inside of your arm and decide where the tricep and the bicep meet, because this is going to be the new home for the wee little Implanon, right between the tricep and bicep on your inner arm.

Then he or she will take some numbing medicine (Novocaine presumably) stab your arm three times and numb that thang up. This is the worst part of the procedure and honestly, you only feel that sting for MAYBE 3 seconds. Totally no biggie.

Then comes a very large needle, which I would suggest NOT looking at before the procedure; you will just psyche yourself out, yo. He or she injects you with the Implanon and in about 10 seconds you are ready to rock. Can't feel a thing.

Thankfully, Larkin had warned me about the needle size BEFORE I went in, so I refused to look at it until after the procedure was over...and indeed, that needle was crazy big! Thank the drug gods for Novocaine!

So for three years, I can now look forward to no periods, no cramps, no cysts, clearer skin and saving money on crammers...and it only cost me $25!

I totally suggest that you chicks go out and get this thing...it really is totally worth it!!
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