Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Our New Years Party!

We made it!

2008 is upon us.

I called down to Tybee Island to find out if they, by chance, had any more rooms available. I got the last room at the HoJo.

Brian came down from Statesboro and picked me up from the house and I loaded up the 36 beers I bought and headed down to the beach area and checked into the hotel at about 6:00. Larkin and Paul came and joined me and Brian after we had already downed about 8 beers ourselves. They also brought a 30 pack of beer. (let us calculate: 66 beers)

At about 9:30 we headed to the main strip at Tybee to sing some karaoke. We were soon joined by Jenny, her husband John, Jenny's sister Stephi and her husband Donnie, Jenny and Stephi's parents and brother, Matt. AND then there were John's parents and John's sister Amanda and her husband Duke. We were basically a built in party.

We started the party with some Salt N Pepa – cause there is nothing that gets things goin like those gals! That performance was followed by Journey – Don't Stop Believing…now THAT is a good song! We made good friends with the karaoke guy and his wife…she even asked me to sing some songs with her. We took a lot of pictures together too, but being as intoxicated as I was, I didn't ask for her e-mail and therefore won't have any of those fabulous pictures to share. Maybe we will see her again one day…

About this time, Larkin's cousin Catie came with her boyfriend Brad and two other friends of theirs and Krystal got off work and came on down as well.

At 12:00 we all went down to the beach to peep the fireworks show…wow, was the beautiful!!! We were right next to the pier where they were shooting them off ; therefore we were right under the fireworks…it was a sight to see! We FINALLY got in touch with our office manager, Frances and her husband and we all watched the fireworks together.

After the fireworks we went back to Bennie's to sing some more karaoke, followed by our traveling party. I think by this time we were up to about 22 people. We pretty much took up all the space in the bar.

After we sang everything we could sing and the bar was closing we piled out into the streets to see what was going on. It wasn't much, but there was still some rowdy people…one of which decided to light some fireworks about three inches from our feet. If you think I can't two step, you should have seen me at that moment!! I am actually surprised none of us lost an eye. We ended up going next door to a pizza place that was obviously closed, but the pizza guy was still in there and said he would make us anything we wanted for free. Unfortunately by free he meant that we had to do something for him. So me, Larkin and Krystal MAY have showed him our boobs...but I am not clear on that...what I do know is that we got free cheese bread and a shit load of it! Also in the pizza joint with us was some lady that had a tattoo on her boob…total trailer trash. She was in there with her boyfriend while her kids played on the beach. Yes, her kids, ages 16 through 10 were out on the beach on New Years at 4:00am. Anyway, she was in there and she too wanted free pizza so she definitely offered up her boobs up. Thankfully I was drunk and my beer goggles were on, so the boobs didn't look too bad. She also offered them up one at a time. She said, "Here is the tattooed one" and "here is the non-tattooed one". Lovely. She got a supreme pizza. While she was doing this, her boyfriend was outside talking to Paul and Brian and we witnessed the same lady giving her number to the pizza guy that she just showed her boobs to. Very classy lady that one!

We all headed outside after scoring our free food and the drunk couple continued to talk to us. While they were talking Brian apparently stole one of their pizzas. They had a half eaten cheese pizza and the pizza that she got for showing her boobs. Brian was good enough to get the fresh new pizza and start hauling it back to the hotel. I actually wasn't aware of what was going on nor do I really remember our walk back to the hotel other than another key point…which was Krystal stealing a bicycle and hauling it down to the hotel. I got her to drop it at some point though, thankfully.

We get back to the hotel and chow down on some pizza and then head outside to smoke. We all heard this scrreeeeech sound and then a thud and then metal scraping the asphalt and look up and see that some poor car has run over the bicycle that Krystal, apparently, put down in the road. She doesn't remember putting it down in the road, I of course don't recall where she put it down, I just remember telling her to put it down. Now that I think about it, she may have put it down in front of a parked car and they might have just taken off from their location and run over it and started dragging it…in any case I feel certain that car sustained some damage and we went over the next morning to see the bike, still sitting there in the road, and it was completely TRASHED.

We got to bed about 4:00am. It was a fun filled night for sure! I am sure I will get more pictures of the night as soon as I track down who all had a camera!

2008 is going to be a blast!!!
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