Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just To Let You Know...

I was sitting here watching Intervention (like a fiend) with Larkin and Krystal when we noticed alot of pretty red lights and sounds of firetrucks. Turns out it was fire trucks. No shortage of excitement around these parts...no sir!

So, we go outside and light up a cig and try and figure out what is goin on. Turns out the lady three doors down noticed that her gas meter was on fire. Someone could have probably told us that there was a leaking gas meter BEFORE we lit up...but anyway, she said that she called the police and the police told her to call the gas company and the gas company said that it would take 30 minutes and so she called the fire department. The fire department said they couldn't do anything.

WHAT? Lets see. FIRE. And you have FIRE in your name (Chatham County Fire Department) and you can't deal with a FIRE?!? So I called Brian, cause he is the go to man for all gas issues (he worked for the gas company for 4 years) and it turns out that the fire department DOES have the tools for turning off the gas...

We were leaving the house anyway, to take Larkin home, but we left the kittens and ferrets behind and just hoped that we came back to non-charred animals and household. So far so good. Looks like the gas company is here now...

But just in case, I wanted to post this blog to let you know what was going on. And make sure, that if we die, you file suit against the fire department for your pain and suffering (in how much you miss us) and also negligence of some sort for dumbass fire department people.

I will note, however, that they did block off a two block radius in light of the fact that it was a gas leak. They didn't bother, HOWEVER, to knock on our doors to let us know that there was a gas meter leaking TWO FUCKING UNITS DOWN.

Thanks guys. Love you too.

Good night!

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