Friday, January 25, 2008

Car Stories

Joe (the bossman) was telling me and The Office Mate a story today that I thought was funny.

Bossman's wife had a 3rd cousin three times removed to the fourth power that passed away not too long ago. At his funeral they were giving little stories that they remembered about him. His friend from high school got up there and was telling a story about how they all skipped classes one day and were out driving down the road and stopped at a stop light and looked over and there was a cop. The cop was giving them the look like "why aren't you fuckers in school?!?" when Bossman's wife's 3rd cousin three times removed to the fourth power rolled down his window and said to the cop, "Ya wanna race?"

The cop let them go.


It also reminded me of a story when I was in high school. It was after school, but I didn't have my car, so me, Christine and her boyfriend at the time, got in her car. She wanted me to drive so she could flirt around with her boyfriend in the backseat. No one was supposed to be driving Christine's car...her Dad barely let HER drive it. The road that went directly past the school was a main road for all the air force base traffic (where Christine's Dad works). So I am sitting at the stop sign getting ready to pull out when I think I see Christine's Dad driving I duck.

Visual: Car at a stop sign, two people in the backseat. No driver.

Suspicious? Nah.

(P.S. Turns out it wasn't him)

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