Friday, September 2, 2011

Journey Continuation

I forgot to mention yesterday, but it is my muthafucking birthday MONTH! This year it is the big three ohhhhhhh and I am totally looking forward to doing what I did for my two nine and two eight and two seven...get drunk and screw! Wait, no, it was get drunk and SING! Beer, karaoke, strippers, strippers that are singing karaoke! That would be awesome. So, in celebration of my birthday month, I encourage you to have a drink for me! :)

The morning after our fabulous visit in Coventry, Rhode Island we headed the four or so hours to Jackson, New Jersey. Home of Six Flags of New Jersey. I must preface this by saying that all of my travel companions, Krystal included, are approximately 4-5 years younger than myself. I never thought that the age difference would get in the way, but I tell you, I have now experienced it. Roller Coasters. I have never been a HUGE fan, but enjoyed many a day in my youth at amusement parks. Upon entering this amusement park, I had quickly determined, from the parking lot, which rides I would NOT be partaking in.

This one was at the top of the list:

I give a hearty HELL. TO. THE. NAW.

As an aside, I recommend getting the Flash Passes. WAY better than waiting in line. You just zip right to the front and hop on, all while giving those suckers in line a shit eatin grin. Good times.

So we meet up with Jimmy and Theresa. Theresa is a friend of Krystal's from high school...Jimmy is Theresa's husband. We went to their wedding a hot minute ago...

(Have I mentioned the amazing ta-ta's my girl has?!)

OK, all caught up?

So, we meet up with Jimmy and Theresa and hop on our first ride, The Green Lantern. This is a stand up roller coaster. This coaster is also incredibly LONG. The first minute I was OK, it was the last 30 seconds that I was really wanting the ride to be over. It was just an over all painful experience. What ever happened to that funny feeling in your tummy being FUN? It HURT! So, that was the ONLY ride I rode. Well, I rode The Mine Train. It is a kids ride and will also beat the shit out of you. SO, in sum up, future Jess will drink the beer and eat the horribly good foods when visiting amusement parks.

BUT! There is MORE!

There is a drive thru Safari!! What?!? GET OUT! RIGHT!!! You get to drive your own car through a series of areas where there are all kinds of bad ass, fun, awesome creatureness!

Look to the back...I am pretty sure those two 'roos in the back are getting their freak on. Blow jobs while kids are around! Shameful!


We finished up the day at Six Flags around 8:00, exhausted from a day of driving, riding and walking. We went out in a nearby town for a few beverages and then laid it on down to rest around 12:00am in order to prepare for our drive to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania the next day.
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