Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hello New Decade!!!

I am quite late on this post, but last Saturday was my 30th year of celebrating the extraction of my not so tiny 8lb 7oz body from my mother's birth canal.

I have been celebrating all month, and celebrated particularly hard on Friday the 23rd. I am sure I have mentioned it before, but my firm is incredibly good to me when it comes to supplying great beer and a good time! We killed about four cases of beer, AT THE FIRM, before deciding we should go and sing some karaoke. Needless to say, the ACTUAL day of my birth was greeted with a medium to hellabig hangover.

My plan for the day was to go watch one of our attorney's, who is in a band, play with his band down at one of the squares. It was not to take place until 4:00pm, which gave me plenty of time to ATTEMPT to work through the night before's transgressions.

In an effort to assist me in this endeavor, I consulted my friend Miller Lite, three of the 16oz variety. He assisted me in the best way he could, but I was still feeling as though I was in serious need of a couch. The band was WONDERFUL though!

Unbeknownst to me, a slurry of friends had gathered, across the street, at my favorite Mexican restaurant, where they surprised me with a magnificent 30th birthday party!! I must say, I do heart my friends so!

I made it till about 12:00am and then my body gave out. Of course, I powered through two gigantic beers at the restaurant, a couple more smaller Dos Equis and who knows how many shots and various other beers when we went to The Bar Bar afterwards.

I have no remembrance of getting home and THAT is how you bring in your 30th year!

Thanks guys! XOXO!!

(please keep in mind that I had no idea we were going out, so I am in NO way dressed appropriately and in addition to started to rain, so we are soaked when we first arrived)

The most magnificent rice krispie mustache and rice krispie cake you have ever seen...the middle layer of the rice krispie cake was Nutella. RIGHT?! GET THE FUCK OUT! How tasty is THAT! Thanks so much Michelle, Whitney and KK!

Krystal was quite pleased with the amount of bling I was required to put on.

Our friend Terri and Kristin


Dave, Nelli and Michelle

Larkin and Whitney

LOL! I love that girl...

Mexican birthday requirement...the hat...

...and the tequila shot...

...which I do not care for tequila...

My boss Joe and Larkin

Can one really carry on a serious conversation in a hat like that?

It appears I attempted to...

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