Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Work Ride

(We are still waiting on that baby to be born...I was under the impression that once they broke your water they didn't let you sit for very long...but it has been over 24 hours now...I am told he will be here by 12:00 today though)

So I was driving to work this morning and in a rare moment, actually paid attention to one of the billboards...glad I did:

If you can't read it:

"To my husband Paul Pusha I miss you so much! I luv u! I'm sorry. Please forgive me? Luv your wife Ericka Pusha."

I don't know what Ericka did...other than it is obvious her parents didn't love her enough to spell Erica right, unless YOUR name is Ericka, and then I am TOTALLY just kidding...probably.

That billboard borders Hunter Army Base, so if I had to guess, she cheated on her husband while he was deployed. OR maybe she just didn't get him that beer fast enough...

Speaking of...not beer...speaking of military..."Don't Ask, Don't Tell" officially went bye bye today. Isn't that interesting! I guess people are going to have to come up with another excuse to get out of the military now!
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