Thursday, September 8, 2011

Journey: Part III

We leave New Jersey and make the semi-short drive to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania where we get to our hotel. The Travel Lodge of Gettysburg. I have never stayed at a Travel Lodge, but this place was pretty nice!

Our hotel room was right next to the lobby, so it was easy to get breakfast, ice and also extend our stay another night. Ah, did I mention that hurricane was right on our ass? It was. By the time we got to Gettysburg they were evacuating New York, Washington D.C. and the Jersey Shore. Our trip was supposed to end in Washington D.C., but since we didn't want to float or get blown away, we decided Gettysburg would be our final stop.

Good decision too!

What a great town! We met nice people, smoked a cigar, drank 1.2 bazillion beers (fantastic front porch action at the hotel) and watched the hurricane come and go! AND, we had wonderful tours! They have a CD that you can buy at the visitors center for around $20.00, you pop it in your CD player in your car and it tells you exactly where to drive and what happened at each battlefield and/or place you were at. Takes about 3 hours to finish the tour. Totally worth it!

On our last night there we decided to walk over to one of the battlefields that was directly across from our hotel. Image, please:

That black line represents the path we took. Even though you can't tell from the picture, the landscape is SUPER hilly.

Did I mention it was about midnight when we did this? And that we had just put the finishing touches on a 30 pack of Miller Lite, coupled with a couple shots from the bar a little ways down the road?

So we decided that it would be a great time to take the four of us just started walking in the pitch black taking pictures every few seconds. Near the end of our adventure and somewhere in the middle of all that scribble up there in that picture, I snapped this shot (click to enlarge):

It might be difficult to see on the computer screen, but it was clear as day on my camera screen, so I will make it clearer for you by changing the contrast of the photo:

Oh yeah. Crazy shit.

I have decided to name him General Chas, as it appeared every other person that fought in the Civil War was named Chas.

Here are some other non-ghost pictures from Gettysburg:

This cannon is looking down on the battlefield where I got the ghost picture. Pretty much pointing exactly where I took the picture down in the valley area.

Watching the hurricane come in


Day after the hurricane came by...BEAUTIFUL!

Me and Krystal...bad lighting!


My hat is on backwards because there were still 60mph gusts of wind coming through from the hurricane. I almost lost my hat multiple times that day!

Bullet hole in a rock...bullet still in there

Pennsylvania Civil War Memorial...where half the people on the plates that surround the monument are named Chas.

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