Thursday, December 10, 2009

Utterly Awesome!

We do this Secret Santa thing around the office. For the better part of December you can arrive at your desk and find that a small gift has been left. My Secret Santa is pretty much the shit because my first gift was coffee. Which was all know is the ONLY way I survive in the morning. It was a beautiful holiday blend of some sort from Starbucks. It might not have even been holiday, but the cup looked holiday, so it tasted that way. As all Starbucks was heaven in a cup.

The second gift I got was this:

I freakin LOVE IT! I am soooooo all about funny things and this made me giggle hard core!! Makes drinking coffee THAT much more enjoyable! Teats up!

P.S. In sad news, my cell phone bit the dust, so no more funky pictures. I knew it would happen one day...there goes my fortune! OH!! And I totally forgot to tell you that when I took my broke ass phone to the repair place, they told me it would be Wednesday until the replacement phone was in. I said OK. They asked what number they could call me at to let me know when it arrived. I gave them my work number since, like many of us, our cell phones are the ONLY phone we use. Most of Wednesday goes by so I decide to call the store. The chick that answers says that she has already called everyone for the day, but she will go check. Sure enough, my phone is there.

"Ummm, ma'am? What number did you call?"

"The number that is on your account. 478-335-xxxx."

"So you called the number that was on my CELL phone account, which is my CELL phone number to tell me that my replacement CELL phone was in. You do understand that when people come to you it is because their cell phones are no longer in working order, right? And that there is a VERY strong chance that they will not be able to check their voicemails...seeing as how their cell phones are BROKEN."

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