Friday, December 11, 2009

Gonna Try This New Thing...

I was thinking about that whole interview thing I did a couple posts ago and then that got me to thinking about how many questions we are asked (or ask) a day. And it really equals alot. That is part of my job is to answer questions as well as ask them.

Then you have the questions you ask yourself...and the answers you answer to yourself.

The questions of friends.

The questions of your girlfriend and roommate, which actually only consists of "What are we eating tonight?" Which is easily answered by me, "Mexican!" To which I get low rumbles of murmuring disagreement. Apparently THEY don't like eating Mexican food everyday for three meals a day like me.

SO, I have decided to start "Express to Jess"!

This is going to be a lovely segment where you ask me a question and I answer it for you! (May just be one segment long. Depending on the surroundings (beer) and the amount of questions (more than one, less than two) I might be able to solve the world's problems in one go around!)

This is amazing! I am putting myself out there as the new Dear Abby/Ann Landers! Could you imagine if THOSE bitches were still alive how much blogging they would be doing?!? Oh, they would!

Basically, this is just to do something new. Winter time is slow for me! So, what better thing to do than answer people's questions!

You can ask anything...make it serious, make it funny, make it yours. OWN THAT SHIT!

If you don't want to own it, you can be anonymous. I am cool with that.

OK, go.
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