Friday, December 18, 2009

The See Me Rollin...

I have been newly radiatored. It totally feels like the car is driving better (which, naturally, it is, being it was doing more sitting on the side of the road than actual driving two days ago)...driving better like how you SWEAR your car is driving better after an oil change. You know what it is? Relief. The car senses the weight being lifted and the car drives better because it isn't as heavy. Yep, sticking to that.

My body has been like a freakin CHAMP this week! At least two nights this week I was a bit excessive in the drink AND went to bed a tad bit later than I should have,(bedtime SHOULD be 11:00, NOT 1:00) but each morning I have awakened to find that I feel pretty bombtastic! Even last night...I knew for SURE I would hate myself this morning. I had ENTIRELY too many shots. I even went into the bathroom and made myself a bed on the floor because I was CERTAIN I was going to need to use it. Next thing I know I am popping out of bed this morning, fresh as a spring chicken.

What the fuck is a spring chicken? Don't chickens have baby chickens all year round? What is so special about a spring chicken?

Man, I have to poop. Gonna need to commandeer a secluded bathroom very soon. Stupid liquor shits.

I am slowly but surely jump starting my body to let it know that it has to loose 15-20lbs after the holidays. This happens every year. It takes me about three months to loose the weight and then I will slowly gain it back throughout the rest of the year. What can I say? I like to eat!

So I typically start with eating Lean Cuisines for lunch and eating a reasonable dinner. Doesn't mean that I don't eat bad, but I will only have like three fried chicken fingers instead of all six.

This was yesterday's lunch:

Except this is what it ACTUALLY looked like (FAIL):

I tasted it and it most certainly needed some of this:

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