Tuesday, May 20, 2008

After Two Years...

As you all know, I work very hard at my job. Well, not as hard as she does...but who can, really?

My boss's wife went on a business trip to Belize. Srsly. Who goes to Belize for a business trip?! Not paralegals, I can tell you that! We tried to get the company to take us all to Vegas for a Paralegal/Legal Assistant conference once...we were immediately shot down. I have no idea why.

Anyblog, the boss came into the office this morning and gives me these.

Yes kids, that is a crumpled pack of Belizian cigarettes. THIS was my souvenir.

And it had ONE cigarette left in it. Which I was told I would have to share with Debbie. I love it!!
Maybe after three years the gifts will improve...
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