Tuesday, May 27, 2008


About a month ago I went to Memphis to attend my Godson's first communion. While I was there, my aunt made this coffee that was out of this world!! Turns out her next door neighbor is a flight attendant and travels to Amsterdam every week. She brings back this coffee for my aunt from there.

Interestingly, my friend Magan, whom I work with, her Mother-in-Law lives in Amsterdam and is visiting this week...thankfully I was able to request that she bring me some when she came...and lo and behold, this morning, I have some coffee!

Naturally, the entire package is in Dutch, which incidentally, I don't read. So I use my favorite site EVER.

The Office Mate and I checked out all sides of the packaging to try and determine where the instructions were. Just so you know, we never did find them, so we gave up and just made the coffee like we make it here.

It is quite good.

I thought the translations were pretty funny...so I am going to post them:

In gesloten verpakking is deze koffie tenminste houdbaar tot de datum op de onderkant van dit pak. Na opening advisersen wij de koffie in de orginele verpakking te bewaren en binnen 14 dagen te consumeren. Bewaar koffie niet bij sterk ruikende stoffen zoals specerijen en kruiden

In closed packing this coffee is at least maintainable up to the date on the lower part of this package. After for keeping packing opening advisersen we coffee in the orginele and within 14 days to consume. Do not keep coffee at strongly smelling substances such as spices and kruiden

I have no idea what kruiden is...but I am keeping that coffee away from it!

Het kartonnen deksel van de verpakking hoort bij het oud papier, de rest van de verpakking bij het rest-afval en het filterzakje met koffie bij het GFT-afval

Hamper belongs lid of packing to the old paper, the rest of packing at rest-afval and filter small pocket with coffee to GFT-afval

Hamper lid...right. Got it.

Mocca Arome is een krachtig samenspel van aromatische Arabica koffiebonen en een klein deel pittige Robusta bonen. De van nautre cafeinerijke Robusta koffiebonen geven de melange een vitaal karakter. Ze zijn diep en donker gebrand om de volle en rijpe smaak volledig tot haar recht te laten komen

Mocca Arome are a powerful teamwork of aromatic Arabica coffee broad beans and a small part spicy Robusta broad beans. Of nautre cafeinerijke the Robusta coffee broad beans give a vital character to the melange. They deeply and let reach to obscurity have been burned to the full and ripe taste entirely its right

What I gather from this is that there is a massive amount of Arabic coffee beans that were picked using powerful teamwork. The beans are very small, but full of natural caffeine that helps with the melange. Whatever that is. The beans were burned to obscurity and then the taste was entirely right.

Onder dit folie ter hoogte van de twee gaatjes, bevindt zich het speciale eenrichtingsventiel. Zo kan de koffie brandvers verpakt worden met behoud van het volle aroma

Under this foil off the two pricks, is himself a direction valve the special. Thus coffee fire verse can be packed with conservation of the full aroma

Apparently, when I opened the top of the canister there was supposed to be a guy with two pricks, which is amazing. We don't have that here in the U.S., then again, this DID come from Amsterdam, they have strange things there.

Doseer een eetlepel of doseerschepje koffie per kopje, al dan niet afgestreken voor de gewenste sterkte van uw koffie: zacht of sterk

A eetlepel or doseerschepje doses coffee by cup, yes or no struck the sterkte of your coffee, desired for: gently or strong

This was apparently the part of the directions I was looking for, unfortunately, the important part, the part that tells me how many spoonfuls (or cupfulls) make it strong or how many make it "gently" did not translate. Damn you Babelfish! (say that like Stewie)

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