Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Nautical But Nice

Ahhh, we have obtained the clip for when we were on the radio! (Thank you Toni, (Michelle's sister) Michelle and Kimba!!)

You can hear it here.

If you can't hear it there, try this: (after clicking, click on Download This File, which is a gray bar)

Or this. (after clicking, click on Download This File, which is a gray bar)

Christine's mic was the only one that was on apparently, cause you hear her clearly throughout. The only thing I know I said was "Absolutely. Daily." (18-20 seconds), "I avoided that this morning" (35-37 seconds) and "Will do" (1:12) (the "Will Do" was done in a purposeful southern accent. The clip highly edited...we really rambled on for about five minutes and then Kimba was able to take clips out to make it sound good. During that time we were making fun of how southern our accents were and that is why Christine is saying "Y'all" and I am saying "Willlllll doooooo" at the end. It made more sense there.

ANYWAY! FUN! We got to be on the radio in Miami! WOOT WOOT!
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