Monday, July 18, 2011

Verdict and How To Preserve a Car

I would like to thank everyone who commented on the last post...I submitted each recommendation. Our suggestions were not accepted. Eh.

Upon joining our friends Theresa and Jimmy in an unknown location at this time, we will be heading to Six Flags, New Jersey. I am unaware if my almost 30 year old body is capable of riding roller coasters still, but I sure am going to give it a go! Over the years I have been able to check off my list of rides I CANNOT ride.

Backwards = Barf
Round and round and round in circles = Barf

Last I remember, I was able to handle upside down, as long as we continue to move forward in a fluid motion.

After conquering rides that include flame throwers and an auger of doom (no, really) we will be heading to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania where some kind of important battle or something happened and also where Geddy Lee got his name. Totally fucking with you on both accounts. We wanted to peep the Gettysburg because of its haunted nature. Nothing like a good ghost tour!!

It seems like we are going somewhere else...Washington D.C. maybe? Hell, I can't remember. I just drive the damn car and go where I am told. Anywho, should be a lovely vacation!

You know how I have mentioned that our friends are HYSTERICAL? Like, funny ass fucking hilarious people. Also, they like to fuck with your cars at 1:30 in the morning on Saturdays.

Yeah, that last picture is of me "planking" my car. I don't think we have that planking concept down.

Yes, those are Post-It's on my windshield (which say some variance of "I love your nuts". Yes, that is FOUR rolls of saran wrap. YES, that says, "I Love Nuts" with plastic forks.

I would like to thank Michelle, Whitney and Kyle a/k/a Frank a/k/a Matt Damon a/k/a Watson for the magnificent gift you bestowed upon us. Just wait till you see your payback.

OH, I should probably mention that I totally BUSTED these mattressbacks because they got all greedy after finishing the deed and I saw break lights...which at 1:30am is strange...flipped on our porch light and I think perhaps if roaches had facial expressions (and drove a Ford SUV), that is exactly the face they would have when lights come on! Mouths agape, Whitney SLAMMED on the gas and that little four cylinder did all it could to get out of there; but not before I got to yell "BUSTED!!!!!"

So they came back so we could take pictures.

Good times, you guys...good times!
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