Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blog World...I Employ You!

Hello kids!!

We had a pretty elaborate trip planned out since last year to go camping in Rhode Island. Turns out camping is SUPER popular on the dates we want to go and we can't find what we want! (Beach/Some kind of water/electricity/bathrooms)

We were totally going to camp in a tent, but this girl needs a place to poop that isn't referred to as an outhouse or toilet pit. I have done some rustic camping before, but it was also before my drinking days and I don't want to get drunk and impale myself on a stick while squatting in the woods. I can see it happening.

SO, now we must make plans to go somewhere. Where should we go?!?

Rules: Needs to be above Kentucky, to the right of Missouri and Iowa and not Wisconsin or Minnesota. OH, and in the United States. (sorry, Sunshine...SOOON! I PROMISE!!!)

I have a good idea what most of you will say...but let's give this a whirl!

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