Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Adult Toys

HA! You thought I was going to talk about dildos didn'tcha! Well, I'm not, at least not today.

Euro-steam vaporizer hot steam grout cleaning thingy - that is what we are going to talk about! A toy for adults.

The Larkin and Wallypog have moved into a lovely new abode. It was a foreclosure and apparently the people who lived there before decided the bathroom was a fantastic spot to leave their animals to poop and pee.

We were unaware that was what was staining the floor until we placed some grout cleaner on it and almost died from the toxic ammonia stench. Almost died people! From grout!

So then, since we didn't want to die, we decided to rent the above steam cleanin machine from Home Depot. Larkin and I did our due diligence on the matter by watching approximately 10-12 videos on YouTube. YouTube has a video for everything, doesn't it?!?

I have to say that I LOVE to clean...maybe it isn't so much the cleaning itself that I love, but I love CLEAN THINGS, and in order to get clean things, you have to clean, so I guess in a round about crazy OCD way, I love to clean.

I got all up close and personal with Larkin's grout and steamed the shit, literally, out of it.




I completely forgot to take an entire before picture, but you can see from the first picture and imagine what the entire floor looked like...this is what the bathroom looked like after:

Believe me, MAJOR improvement. I considered purchasing one of these machines, but I am not sure I would use it enough to justify the purchase...HOWEVER, just renting it twice would pay for the MAYBE. My 30th birthday IS this year, ya know. HINT.
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