Friday, March 25, 2011

Last Friday

Forgot to put this picture on the blog from our ACTUAL St. Patrick's Day day...our friend Justin:

On the Friday following St. Patrick's Day, we decided we should go out and about downtown and see how the festivities were going.

Joni, Bobby's cousin (right) and her friend Asia (left) came down from North Carolina to partake in such festivities. (nice purse, Bobz)

This dude was totally creepy with this vibrating light thing. He was putting it in places he should NOT have been putting it.

Saw some Jesus people. Wow, did they pick the wrong day to do Jesus' bidding.

Right when we walked by one of the guys screamed through his megaphone something about being homosexual and going to hell...I have never heard so much sarcastic cheering in all my life! Apparently we weren't the only homosexuals in the crowd at that moment! It was pretty funny.

This is a walkway under a hotel where when you go "wahooooooooo!!!" about 100 other people do it too. Why? Because echoes are fun.

No clue what the Bobz is doing here

More and more people


More Jesus people

And then, I look over, and I saw what appeared to be a lesbian leaning against a tree, and to my horror, it was a life size Justin Bieber. Just downright creepy, right?!

End with some cuteness!

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