Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In Summary - Random Tuesday


So my bowling career has ended, temporarily.

I made the top 50, then I made top 5 and then...I placed 7th. I had to be in the top 6 to go to Atlanta. BOO! AND THEN!!! Found out that one of the top 6 actually can't go to Atlanta, so, I TECHNICALLY made top 6, however, league rules have changed and even if one of the top 6 drops out, it wouldn't move me up. DAMN.

Krystal and I are trying to buy a house. I have been through this process before and I forgot how much I don't like it. It is stressful and depressing and stressful. Stressful to think about owning a house again, depressing to see houses that are what you want, but can't get enough financing to be able to get it, and stressful because it is a fucking house. A HOUSE. That WE have to take care of. Limb comes through your roof...no landlord to call...ACK!

Nothing is final yet...as a matter of fact we are still waiting to see what the actual amount is that the lender is willing to finance. We may end up renting for another year, but all is not lost...at least we know where we stand for the future!

If things do work out, we have seen at least one house that is promising. Keep your fingers crossed that all works out smoothly, no matter what happens!

9 DAYS! NINE FREAKIN DAYS until St. Patrick's Day!!

We are going to be celebrating in FINE form. The firm is hosting a freakin BOMB ASS St. Patrick's Day party.

4 kegs of Harp (count it peeps...that is about 800 beers!)

Acoustic Irish tunes sung by one of our very own attorneys

Said attorney will then go on with his rock n' roll band

After the band finishes, PROFESSIONAL karaoke will be set up by our good friend Ander

Catered by one of the best food joints in town: Barnes Peep that menu for yummy southern goodness!

And all taking place in our parking lot at the firm...which means all I have to do is open my office door and the party will be RIGHT THERE.

The following day, ACTUAL St. Patrick's Day, we will be arising early to drink our first beer at 9:18am. Long story as to why it is 9:18am, but you can ask my friend Justin. He is sure to comment on this post. That will then be followed by the St. Patrick's Day parade, (second largest parade in the WORLD!!) more drinking, more celebration and then passing out around 5:00pm. I used to make it until dark, but as the years have gone on, my drinking stamina has withered. It is a sad thing.

Have a Randomly Awesome Tuesday!!
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