Monday, March 21, 2011

Savannah St. Patrick's Day Review

WOW. Did you guys miss a party!! I am told that there are over 500 pictures that were taken this weekend, hopefully I can get my hands on those soon so I can share the wonderment!

It all started on the 16th of March, which is the day of the firm party. Let me tell ya, I look forward to that party EVERY year, but I am SO GLAD it is only ONE time a year. I am definitely getting older, cause my body just can't handle it!

The above is me and Krystal at the kick off of the firm party. Most of the pictures of the firm party are in that 500 that were taken...which I have yet to see.

And below, you will find me and one of the attorneys kickin it old skool with some "Shoop". That's right, we had PROFESSIONAL karaoke this year!! SNAP!

After partying from 5:00pm till around 1:00am, we finally stumbled home and fell asleep around 2:00am. I woke up at 6:00am so as to get in all my morning routine. Count that, 4 hours of sleep.

First beer popped at 9:18am, as Justin and Jeremy strolled through the door (impeccable timing!).

Below is first beer of the morning, co-worker Suzanne is in the wig and wasn't quite over the previous nights hair of the dog for her!

Our crew of 15 gathered up and made the trek downtown to see what we could get in to. First stop: picture at the Forsyth Park Fountain:

We eventually made it to my vehicle, which was parked downtown the night before, full to the brim with approximately 90 beers, which chilled over night to a perfect temperature of AWESOME

We watched the parade from the car and some of our crew were invited up to watch it from some random house.

I am not quite sure how the invite happened, but it was a friend of a friend that saw us from the balcony and invited everyone up. I stayed with the beer...

It is my understanding that you flash people on balconys.

We stopped for food around 2:00pm at our favorite convenient store/buffet. You have to see it to know, but it is AWESOME! Since most of Savannah was blocked off for St. Patrick's Day, we were able to sit in some odd locations...such as the drive through where people stop to get gas:

I had a pizza roll the size of my FACE! Mmmmmm good!!

After eating my body decided it was too drunk and too full to go on. We moseyed back to the house and after about 11 hours of partying and only 4 hours of sleep the night before, my body crashed. I was out from 5:00pm till 10:00 the next morning. That was some GOOD sleep!

We partied more Friday night and I am pretty sure I have pictures of that. I am going to first find my camera...update soon!!!

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