Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hearts Aflutter!

Tiny niece or nephew is progressing longer a black dot and starting to resemble some other sort of mass that is vaguely human.

The heartbeat is strong, though not able to be heard yet, but Ana said that the white flicker on the screen indicated it was doing what any heart of that size should be doing!

Also, it is looking VERY likely that my niece or nephew will be sharing my birthday month...and MAYBE my actual DAY of birth! I told Joseph and Ana it would be the best birthday present ever!

Our office was without power yesterday, so we did what any normal office without power would do and all went down to Wild Wing for lunch and beverages...and didn't leave until 6:00pm. I had 122oz of beer. It is helpful in the counting process when they bring you beer in 22oz mugs. (plus one 12oz). Needless to say, I had to call Krystal to come and drive some of us home. I also was in bed by 7:00pm, which had me waking up at 2:00am - my body insisting that it was time to get up. Not so body, not so. On the plus side, I slept through any hangover that might have been and feel fantastic today!

Found out this week that THE Kathy Griffin is coming to Savannah on May 28th! I am SUPER stoked about this! Hopefully the ticket prices will be decent AND won't sell out before I capture a couple!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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