Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Morning Paper Says...

I could not agree more with our morning paper:

And we ARE glad it is not US!

We had a brief discussion at work this morning at how we are just not prepared for shit like that. One, it is snow. We do not do the snow. We do hurricanes. But even THAT, my household is NOT prepared for. We don't have flashlights, we DO have one candle, but only one, and maybe five cans of Chef Boyardee. We don't have generators or first aid kits or bottles of water.

Actually, when hurricanes ARE brewing off the coast, we usually head down to the beach to watch. Strange how we do that. If the tornado sirens go off...everyone runs outside to see if we can spot the tornado. I am not sure if that makes us stupid or wanna-be meteorologists.

As stated in the previous post, we are basking in a lovely 71 degrees today. I am in least until tonight. Tomorrow's high is 44. A 27 degree drop in a matter of hours. It is unholy. When people say we don't have seasons down here, I always say we have MULTIPLE changes of season...we change from Spring to Winter in one day, then we go to Summer, then Fall the next day and then back to Summer.

St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner!!!! Who's excited?!? ME! We are having a BOMBASS block party at work, live band, kegs of Harp, karaoke, catered is the party of the year!! I am SO looking forward to my paid holiday full of drink, food and fun!

Hope everyone has a good day! Stay warm!
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