Friday, February 18, 2011


You are in the presence of bowling greatness!!

For I, your favorite Jessica, has made it to the TOP 6 in the bowling competition!!

Proof: I got a card with my name on it AND a balloon!

Just to get you caught up, I have been entering in a bowling competition for a while now. It was a few months last year up until January where you paid $2 a week and you competed to be in the top 50 bowlers at our bowling ally. Made the skin of my chinny chin chin.

THEN I entered in the next step, Center Finals, which is $10 for two weeks of bowling. Last night was the first bowl and in the first round I made top 6!! I am #5 out of 6!

Tim there is a friend of ours! He bowled like a freakin CHAMP last night! (I have no idea who those other people are)

NOW, if we are successful in staying in the top 6 next week, I believe we win a small bit of cash, THEN we get to go and bowl in the district final in Atlanta! If we win in Atlanta, there is some more cash involved and THEN we get to go to nationals in VEGAS to bowl for $600,000.00!

And when I use the word "we" here I am just sending out good juju to Tim...but it isn't a team thing, it is an individual thing. The individual wins the little bit of monies along the way. (Which, if I win here, is totally going towards buying the league some beers!)

Just think, somewhere in the world, RIGHT NOW, is some Division C 159 average (and under) bowler walking around, they don't know they are lucky yet, but they are going to win that $600,000.00!!!

Wouldn't it be great to win my retirement at amateur bowling??! OR wouldn't it be great to BLOW my retirement in VEGAS!!

Fingers crossed people!!!
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