Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Random Tuesday


Why you bitches up North gotta rain on my parade and send cold ass weather down here?!?

I was enjoying my 4th day of 70 degree weather when I saw Thursday's forecast:

HEY! I know you are freezing up there...but you know it snows up there, dammit! BUT having me nice and toasty in 70 degree weather ONLY to snatch it out from under me in ONE DAY - dropping me 30+ degrees - NOT AWESOME.

Just downright hateful. Guess it is back to the winter closet again...gotta dig out the "BIG" jacket. Hope it is the last time this year. OH! And good luck with your winter event of the decade. It does NOT sound awesome.

Here is a picture of a black dot that is apparently going to form into some sort of walking, talking, living, breathing, adorable pooping machine that will be my niece or nephew:

I can't believe we all start off that way. I can't believe some of the people I know retained the same brain mass from when we were tiny black dots. HA!
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