Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So Glad It Is Tuesday, Cause This is RANDOM!


You guys know, being bloggers and all, that you get some really random comments at times. No, not those ones in Chinese that some spammer sent, but those really, real people that have either taken major offense to something OR are REALLY on board with what you said, so much so that it makes you go, hummm, wonder WTF is wrong with this person.

Well, I do that all the time. But not to YOUR comments...you know, only THOSE kinds of people.

So I wrote this post in 2009: "Gaaaahhhhrrrrrahhhhhhh", yes, 2 years ago, and got a comment on it this weekend! I think it was the amazing title that attracted the attention. (You might want to read the post for it to make sense)

Here is what Anonymous commenter said:

-This message is in regards to your Feb 28th, 2009 blog post.

Yeah, the singer didn't work out too well... You shouldn't be so judgemental. If you didn't like it, you shouldn't post a billboard up, because there are plenty of people who do like this music. Perhaps much more than you think. Also, when posting things to the Internet, you should be aware of the potential for it to do harm if a promoter, venue, or potential fans are running searches on the Internet.

I invite you to listen to some recordings the band did about a year ago (without said dude), and hopefully you could at least have an appreciation for how much effort and discipline it takes to produce the music.

Understand that it is hard enough to be a musician in the digital age without articles like this. Do a search on the band, I am sure you will find a lot of stuff. Its fine you write how you feel, but consider removing the band's name from you posting. Is it necessary to call the band by its name?

We have all heard bands we hated, and talked badly of them. That goes away nearly as soon as its heard. To post something on the Internet is making an unlimited amount of potential for the band to miss an opportunity.

The band hasn't been turned down for a show, and lately hasn't needed to go gig finding because its been playing per request. It is possible that a post from two years ago can still do some damage. Please do consider at least removing the band's name from your post.


~A fan


A Fan - thank you for commenting on this long forgotten post.

Can you believe I have only gone to that bar, RIGHT BEHIND MY HOUSE, twice!!? This was one of them, the other time is when I went to see an electronic band called Freezepop - that was a weird one, let me tell ya! I didn't review it immediately, but I did write about how they TOTALLY blew us off when we went to hang out with them in Boston. (http://this-life-is-mine.blogspot.com/2009/03/part-ii-allston.html) Those Yankees can be so rude sometimes. (Not the baseball team, though my fiancée says they are of Satan. She is a Red Sox fan)

But back to your comment. Again, it is appreciated and I will leave it up for all the world to see. I understand your concern over any bad press that might come to one of your favorite bands, but I won't edit or remove the band's name from the post for the following reasons:

1) It is MY blog. So adequately named, "This Life is MINE". It is for a good reason.

2) The write up I gave the band would NEVER be taken seriously by any REAL promoter. After all, it is from a silly ol blog called "This Life Is Mine".

Dude (or Dudette), that isn't EVEN as awesome as some of the band names I have come up with! "Fleas In The Basement" has been my latest fictional (but one day!!) band name. Just wait till a promoter gets a hold of THAT! "HELLO DETROIT!! We are FLEAS IN THE BASEMENT" **cue roaring applause**

We just recently got Rock Band 3 and named ourselves "The Twat Waffles". Can you believe Playstation 3 will not post "Twat" on the public ranking boards?!? Kids are going to grow up to be pansy's with the way people are forcefully edited these days!

I digress.

3) I knew I would get to this number eventually, and this is SUPER important: any one or any band that puts themselves out in the public eye is free game for public scrutiny. If we didn't have adverse opinions about things then we would all be the same and let's face it, no one wants to listen to Kenny G all day and that is why I am SO glad someone stood up in the 90's and told him to quit molesting that horn and to get some conditioner for that hair of his. Damn it, I did it again...rambling on about shit...oh well, it is MY blog after all.

In sum up, thanks for stopping by. Please feel free to peruse some of my other blog material. Comments make me happy, good or bad, because it means that people actually cared enough to type something in the magical comment box. (Usually that number only gets to a staggering 5 comments)

So to you sir (or madam) - I thank you!
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