Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's Long, but He's Short

Hello ladies and pimps! In grand news today, I must share that this no good punk ass bully of a miniature man was arrested last night:

Birth Date: 03/05/1968
Race: H Sex: M
Arrest Date: 11/10/2010 at 0020
Arrest #:
Bond: $4,600.00

You probably don't know who that is, but that is OK, cause it is my fault for not telling you in a timely manner.

The church that we live behind has a parking lot that butts up to our house. In years past it has not been a problem that we have parked there, however, they have requested, due to the fact that they have a daycare center that has opened within the church, that we not park there. They even put up new "WE WILL TOW YOUR ASS!" signs. Just kidding about the "YOUR ASS" part; it is just a generic sign that says you get towed if you park there.

On street parking is a little scarce. On one side of the street you can fit about 4 cars, BUT two of those parking spots are for an elderly couple and are designated handicap. On the OTHER side of the street you can probably fit around 5 cars. The problem is, there are five people that live in our complex (two girls upstairs, us three downstairs)who drive five different cars and that isn't even taking into consideration the surrounding houses.

So punkaroni up there has been doing maintenance, painting and such, and is apparently allowed to stay there while doing said things until the home is rented out. About a month ago, KK and I were coming home from working job #2 and she was parking in the street and ended up in front of the house this guy is staying at.

I should probably also mention that this house that we are parking in front of got busted by the DEA. (Blogged about it here) The landlord apparently has a problem renting to forms of life that have any good qualities.

He yells over to her when she is getting out, "Excuse you have PERMISSION to park in front of MY house?" To which she replied, "Um, this is a public street, you can park anywhere." He then stated, "Just leave it there and SEE if is there in the morning!" We then pointed out that he doesn't even OWN a car (he rides this ghetto ass blue and gold bicycle) He said it didn't matter if he owned a car or not, we couldn't park in front of HIS house anymore. Then he hopped on his bike and started to ride off, all the while yelling, "You done messed with the wrong nigga this time!! You done messed with the wrong nigga THIS time!!"

Sadly, it is quite apparent that he is NOT black. As Larkin pointed out, dirty Mexican perhaps, but actually he is just a mini Puerto Rican.

After such threats I decided to call the number on the "For Rent" sign. This lady answers and I ask her if she is the owner of the home on ____ street, she affirms, so I let her know that her current tenant has now threatened us for parking in front of HIS house and I wanted to know if it would be possible to set up a meeting with her face to face so I could explain the things that are going on in her rental property.

Turns out she is in FUCKING CALIFORNIA. I went on to explain that he was not the only one living in the house and he was also dealing drugs, OBVIOUSLY dealing drugs, right out of the house. We see no less than 15 people come in and out of the house on a daily basis. She says, and I quote, "Ohhh, he normally isn't like that. Hummm, I will talk to him"

WHAT!!? Is he 3 years old?!? NO MA'AM. Don't you fucking "talk to him". While you are over there in California doing whateverthefuckyoudo, I am sitting here be threatened by Shorty McEse about parking in front of a house he doesn't even own on a street that he doesn't you REALLY think he is going to listen to you?!? Do you really think that he isn't going to try and do something to US?!? RIGHT.

So fast forward to last night (thanks so much for reading this far) and we hear a ruckus outside. Of COURSE it is him, yelling threats down the street at some unknown person. I mean SCREAMING, yelling. Same stuff..."You wanna mess with me?!? You want some nigga?!?" And so we took that PRIME opportunity to call the police. We just let them know, anonymously, that there were people on the street threatening each other.

They sent over people IMMEDIATELY. TWO cars. They NEVER send TWO! So Krystal and I watch from the laundry room, while drinking our Miller Lite. We then notice that one of the police officers is our friend Barry! Naturally, I call him and tell him we are looking out the window and that I PROMISE there are drugs in the house and if they can get any reason at all to get that fucker out of the neighborhood that would be great. He said that he got his name and they were waiting on the landlord to call back, but in the meantime he was going to drive around the corner and watch the house from afar.

SURE ENOUGH, another person comes up to the house to buy drugs...but punkass waves him away hurriedly...I am still on the phone with Barry at this point and said, "See that guy that is walking there...he just went up to the house to buy drugs and they waved him he is going to walk down the street a little and a car is going to pick him up" And BOOM, just like clockwork, here comes the pick up car. We do watch this happen on a pretty regular basis.

Barry zooms up behind them and runs their tag and shit and they are clean, so he can't pull them over, however, he takes this moment to run fuckface and LOW AND FUCKING BEHOLD he has a warrant! Barry zooms (I am sure he wouldn't appreciate me referring to his awesome police speeding skills as "zooming") back over to the house and arrests him. YAY!

I have a feeling this isn't the end of the story and if he even remotely thinks that we called the cops on him then he is going to probably make our lives hell.

The gun is on the nightstand ready to go.
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