Friday, November 5, 2010

I Need To Find My Camera

Trooper Thorn has brought to my attention that I have failed to blog about Halloween.

Yes, that beloved time of the year. I was asked by many: "What are you going to be for Halloween" to which I answered, "Intoxicated".

Alas, time and money were against us and we were unable to dress up this year...but I most certainly WAS intoxicated. There was only one costume that I felt deserved some awesome accolades and that was Madea:

I have been slacking on the blogging lately, mostly due to not having anything to tell you guys. Nothing new has happened in a while and the ability to get together with friends to take magnificently awesome pictures has been few and far between.

HOWEVER, last night me, Bobz and the KK went to a wedding. Bobz was the usher. I know...who the hell has a wedding on a Thursday?!? I quickly forgot it was Thursday (or really even a wedding) when I heard "open bar" and "free food". Bitches...I have been surviving off of frozen burritos, Chef Boyardee and Cup O' Noodle (and of course beer) for the last month; I was gonna get me some GOOD food.

I had, in no particular order, sushi, a variety of gourmet cheese and crackers, (I called this portion of my eating excursion "cheese surprise" cause I had no idea what half the cheeses were) a roast beef sandwich, chicken curry, shrimp and grits, 3 chocolate covered strawberries, a fudge ball and about 6 beers, a glass of champagne and a glass of wine.

The venue was absolutely gorgeous! If you want to peep it, you can go here: The Mackey House People actually LIVE there and rent out the estate for weddings and other events. Freaking amazing place. I told the owner that I wouldn't mind having certain difficult decisions in the morning time: "Should I drink my coffee on the east or west veranda this morning?!?"

If the house was on a beach we would be having OUR wedding there...but alas, the closest thing it was to was the Amtrak track and a horse barn. OH! But we did get to see an opossum. Despite what people think or say, those little things are CUTE!

Did I mention we took full advantage of that open bar?! When we got home Bobby decided to do a gangsta photo shoot (while he still had the gangsta tux on rent) which started out clothed:

(please note gangsta Glock 40...yes, gun is real. No, of course it wasn't loaded. Didn't even have the clip in. Never actually been loaded in the house. Brother left it to me when he went to Puerto which I am thankful. Never know when you will need it for a drunk photo shoot...errr...I mean if anyone was to break in.)

Then progressed to less clothes:

To getting downright near naked:

This weekend is the Bobz 32nd birthday celebration (actual birthday on Tuesday). I will make it a point to find my camera...
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