Monday, October 18, 2010

Raised Eyebrow

So us peeps at the house have been watching a little bit of the new show called Sister Wives on TV.

It is like watching a midget stripper do a keg just can't turn your head.

These woman are not your typical oppressed looking polygamist looking women; they wear fashionable clothes, don't look drab, wear make-up (though one of them needs some SERIOUS how-to put on make-up tips) and appear relatively "normal".

Ah, that word again..."normal".

It has prompted a discussion about how we all felt about polygamy and whether or not it compares to how people feel about gays and lesbians getting married.

They could (and may) use many of the reasonings gays and lesbians do:

"We should be able to love whomever we want"
"We aren't hurting anyone"
"We raise our children in a very loving home"

Still, I just could NOT imagine sharing my partner with ANYONE. And on top of that, I am having a hard time understanding the religious meanings behind it. Something to do with having as many wives and children here so that when you (the man) gets to heaven, you are king of your own little area and the more wives and children you have here, the more awesome you are there. Yeah, something like that.

AND THEN, that brings me to the pimp of all pimps, Hugh Hefner. The Hef has, for DECADES, kept multiple women...and no one really blinks an eye. I TOTALLY watched the show back when Holly, Bridget and Kendra were the talk of the town. I had the same reaction as I do about polygamy, mixed with the typical "Money: How to Get Hot Women to Have Sex With Your Wrinkled Dick Self"

POINT BEING, if it isn't religiously backed, people don't seem to think anything of it. I can only assume it is because WE know that THESE chicks know they are going to get money, sex, rock n' roll and move on with their lives. It is basically just something to boost their career, in the meantime, that genius Hef gets to boost his...well, you know.

Back to the show...the actual Sister Wives show...where do we draw the line?

Do we ask the law to change for gays and lesbians to remove the "man and woman" part of the marriage law and make it say "two humans"?

Do we make room for the polygamist movement and allow the law to say marriage is between one man and as many wives as he wants? Or how about if a woman wanted to be polygamist?

I need some opinions here.
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