Friday, October 8, 2010

THOSE People

In my very lax state of blogging lately, I have failed to mention quite a few new things that have been happening in of which is that I have joined a bowling league.

Not only me, but Krystal, my friend Christine, Larkin, Paul, Tim, Sarah (who work at my boss's parents medical office)...yeah, we got the whole crew. It is actually all Michelle's fault...she was in a bowling league first and then asked us all to join.

Seriously, the people we know make up OVER half the league.

Me, Michelle, Krystal and Christine are on one team, GSA. (Gutter Sluts Association) We are currently beating all other teams in the league.

Did I mention we get a FREE BALL after the league is over!! Because of this I have religiously been shopping for bowling shoes, bowling bags, bowling everything.

I have turned into those people that me and Christine used to make fun of when we went out for bowling on Friday nights. "Those OLD people in LAME!"

Last and MOST importantly, please go check out/follow/holla at my FOM (Former Office Mate), Debbie, who has FINALLY started blogging again. She is hilarious! Unless she is reading this right now and in that case you are nothing but a slutmonkey cootercanoeing hobag.
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