Friday, October 22, 2010

3:35 News Brief

Dudes and dudettes...another week and some days has come and gone and I feel like there is something I am supposed to talk about, yet, nothing is coming to mind.

Got my flu shot yesterday. Thought my arm was going to fall off halfway through the day, but it didn't. Today it is just a little sore with a slight bump. Beats the fuck out of the flu though.

Bowling league is going awesome! I broke 100 TWICE last night, which is a major accomplishment for me...nay, a miracle!

Have I mentioned I have started going to a therapist on the regular? She totally rocks my socks...even more awesome than that...after I started going to her, most of my friends joined the bandwagon! Now we all see the same person, which probably causes her to go home and night and wonder how in the world all these wack-a-doodle people got to be such awesome friends. We like to fuck with people's minds like that.

Thanks for tuning in for this short update...

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