Wednesday, October 6, 2010

That Time of Year

So it is that time of year again when money starts getting tight and Cup O' Noodles and Chef Boyardee (and massive amounts of heartburn) become the norm for lunch and dinner. The good news is that this slump usually only lasts about a month or two.

SO, I went down to the pawn shop today (which I have never done before) to get rid of some jewelry that has been hanging around in my jewelry box for a few years.

Had some gold chains, 3 1/2 pairs of diamond earrings, some pendants and a gold necklace with a diamond and gold heart on it.

At least one of the pair of diamond earrings was from my father when I turned 16, however, I am not sure which pair. The other ones were gifts from boyfriends past. The 1/2 earring (have no idea where its partner is) is a mystery.

Turns out all the gold chains I had were plated i.e. not worth shit. Two of the pairs of diamond earrings were fake. Bastard cheap ass boyfriends. I had a gold pendant from Kuwait that was a gift from a friend of mine's ex-husband, so obviously that thing was tainted with bad ju-ju. Thankfully it WAS real and worth a little bit.

All in all I got $80 from shit that I never wear, never would wear and had just been sitting around. If I had known which pair of diamond earrings my father had given me when I was 16 I would have kept them; it could have been the real ones or could have been the 1/2 of the real one, which is pointless to have because I only had 1/2 of the pair. I have no clue. Anywho, point being, I didn't feel terrible about selling them.

So while I was at the pawn shop, I got a $50.00 ticket for my expired tag. The one that I haven't been able to get because money is tight hence the pawn shop visit!

All I could do was laugh. I couldn't have been in there for more than 10 minutes and the bastards got me!

Good news is that once I get my tag (next week) I can take the ticket down and have it removed. Hopefully I won't have a stack of them!
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