Thursday, January 28, 2010

Feel Good Music

Kat tagged me in a MeMe for "Best Feel-Good Song".

If you ever get to know me, one of my many useless talents is knowing the lyrics to literally hundreds of songs. I can't remember the grocery list to save my life. Lyrics stick with me as does most music...I just freakin LOVE music!

There are so many "Feel-Good Songs" for me...however, whenever I want to fucking rock out and want to feel good then I turn to Collective Soul. I think "Heavy" is going to have to be the one that makes me feel most kick ass awesome.

Feel free to listen to it here.

I think it really makes me feel good because it brings back the memories of the concerts I have gone to, many of them they open the show with this song. There is nothing like hearing that first guitar riff.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let's See...Get Off The Boat and Then...

Brother Joseph has returned to Key West from his tour of the Caribbean and Haiti. Haiti was an unintentional stop off, as they were actually on their way back to Key West, but when our troops are needed, they are needed!

He said it was pretty horrific. Lots of body parts, lots of bodies, lots of people buried. He and his crew were part of many rescues. He spent a little time, when he was younger, as a fire fighter and in EMT training. He is a Certified Nursing Assistant as well. Of course nothing he was doing in then was anything compared to the medical care he had to provide in Haiti. He said he learned alot, but never wants to reattach body parts again. I couldn't agree more, which is why I only like to WATCH doctor shows, not actually DO doctor stuff.

So, what does one do upon returning after being out at sea for two months?!? Get tattoos! Naturally!

Here is brother Joe getting nautical stars on his chest. I am more of a non-traditional/non-fad tattoo kinda gal, but if he likes them, I like them. Plus, he is nautical most of the time, right?!

Ana said he looks like a traffic light. LMAO!

I keep forgetting that he isn't 12 years old anymore. The fur on his chest gave it away.

Welcome home Bro Joe! Love you! Miss you! See you in a few weeks!!

P.S. Brother Joseph and wife/new sister-in-law Ana will be visiting yours truly in the middle of February. Prepare yourself for drunken debauchery galore!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Random Tuesday Already?!

These Winter months make for some boring posts! We don't go out as much, therefore no pictures are taken! We spend most of our time at home watching various series', like Dexter, The L Word, True Blood and then the normal TV shows like American Idol, Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty. I have probably watched more TV in the last year than I have in my entire lifetime combined! I blame Bobby.

Thursday, Jacque, mine and KK's first ferret we ever got, is having surgery.

He has a very large cyst on his tail. We took him in when it first appeared and the doctor said it could wait a while...especially since the surgery is $400.00. Think about that next time you may consider buying an exotic animal. The surgeries are SO EXPENSIVE! We don't really have the money, but it is at the point now where it may rupture, so my beer fund will just have to suffer.

Krystal is starting a new diet through the medical office she works at. One of the perks for working at a medical office is that you can try out these special diets. It is called the HCG Diet. There is some kind of injection that is given and it helps get rid of a certain kind of fat. The Doctor, KK and one other girl in the office is doing it. I am curious to find out how well it works.

That is all I have on the news front. Love yas!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Old Skool!

My posting is slacking. I blame work. I usually do a scheduled post during lunch, but lately, lunch has been spent working...and not so much lunching and blogging.

An old coach of mine mailed me some awesome back in the day middle school/high school pictures of me playing softball (HA! I just typed software), soccer, basketball and one random one. Peep.

The above picture is me at the Omni in Atlanta. We got to play a game on the Atlanta Hawks court. I believe I got in for a total of 5 minutes...but I scored 3 points during that time. WHAT!

GOALIE, BITCHES! My uniform was a diversion tactic. It didn't work. We got our asses handed to us on the daily.

I can pretty much guarantee my arm does not bend that way anymore.

We had to wear the old jerseys from the baseball team. That is why my shirt is approximately 15 sizes bigger than I am.

First of all, how awesome is my Mickey Mouse sweatshirt? And combined with the full length jean skirt...WILDLY popular at my very, very Southern Baptist school and with the Amish! That is Brian sitting on the left and his sister Beth on the right. This picture was taken about 13 years ago. HA!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Don't Quote Me...

I was tagged to do this lil quote do-da by Gathering Dust.

Rules are: Go here and browse the random quotes until you find five that you think reflect who you are or what you believe. Repost and tag five friends (if you want).

A joke's a very serious thing. - Charles Churchill

Every woman knows all about everything. - Rudyard Kipling

I hope that when I die, people say about me, 'Boy, that guy sure owed me a lot of money.' - Jack Handey

A judge is a law student who marks his own examination papers. - H. L. Mencken

Old age is not so bad when you consider the alternatives. - Maurice Chevalier

Unto the pure all things are pure. - Bible, Titus 1:15

Quotes are just fun, aren't they? I don't use them in my daily life, but I enjoy reading short and more humorous ones. Hope you all have a fine day today!

Much love to my friend Brian (whom I have known for over 15 years now)...thinking about you and your family and sorry for the loss of your grandfather.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Hairs!

Despite Kat's comment about me getting a perm:

I obtained said perm this past weekend!

And that is how we do a perm in the 2010's!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Not To Brag or Anything...

Ok, maybe just a little bragging, but Kirstie Alley totally Tweeted back to me on Friday! Here are the original Tweets by Kirstie Alley:

To which I responded:

And then received:

I have no problem whoring out my brother's career if it is going to get me celebrity connections. No problem at all! Hell, I already got a sister out of it...who knows what is to come!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Take a Moment...**UPDATE**

Take a moment with me to be gushingly filled with pride!!

Here is a link to The White House website. See that boat on the right?!?! That is my brother's boat in Haiti. Damn, I am proud of that boy!

So "The Kids" aka above mentioned brother and his wife will be visiting me in Savannah the second week of February. SO EXCITED! Sorry to say, I only have this cell phone picture of an actual picture of their wedding day:

**UPDATE!** Found better picture!! It was on Joseph's monthly boat newsletter. How sweet! (Clicky for biggie)

Thankfully they will have a real wedding soon and I can then have some real pictures!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do What You Do...

Brother Joseph sent word that he and his Coast Guard crew are in Haiti. He said it is pretty horrific.

I have some friends in Macon whose family lives there. After getting in touch with them yesterday they did know that some of their extended family did not make it, but have not heard about immediate family yet. Please keep Brenda and Wooley's (pronounced: Woo Lay) family in your thoughts, prayers, chants...

Wooley and he and Brenda's kids (older pic)

Brenda and the kids (newer pic)

But so this post isn't is a total bummer...I leave you with this hilarity:

That was taken about three years ago...but it is still freakin hilarious!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Muttled Monday

This is going to be my last mention of weather until the next time...

But it is going to be freakin 68 degrees this Saturday! 68!!!! THANK YOU OH BLESSED WONDROUS WEATHER GODDESSES! After it getting down to 17 degrees last night...seventeen in case you missed that...I am so very much looking forward to a proper Southern Winter.

Does anyone know why my ctrl + v and ctrl + c, or just using the right click copy and paste, just randomly quit working? It doesn't matter what program I am in, on occation they will just refuse to work. The only way I have found to correct it is to reboot. I am sure I just hit a sequence of buttons wrong or something, but I'll be damned if I know what that sequence is. I am a hotkey fool.

Bobz has me feeding virtual fish. I can't stop you Fishville!!!

Wish I had more on the entertainment front, but alas, nothing. When it is this cold we hunker down and watch shows. We started on Dexter. Interesting.

See ya tomorrow my lovahs!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Upstairs Fucktard Asshats

Pearl, with her post today, reminded me to tell this story...

But before I begin this story, let me just say that I am really hungover today. If you will look at previous posts and Tweets, you will know that it has been WEEKS since I have been hungover, on a week day of course, and I sure haven't missed them.

Back to the story...

Our upstairs fucking inconsiderate college kid mommy and daddy paying rent loud ass pieces of shit from the bottom of my shoe neighbors are young. Everyone that lives there, and I say everyone, because I am still not quite sure who actually lives there, it is anywhere between 4-6 everyone that lives there is 1) horribly clumsy 2) enjoys moving furniture daily 3) uses the hallway as a bowling ally and 4) enjoys all types of music. Loudly.

Last year we got together with are AWESOME landlords and explained that though HUGE music fans, I would be forced into slaughtering their upstairs tenants if something was not done about the musical instruments. I understood the agreement between landlord and upstairs tenants to say absolutely NO musical instruments. The upstairs tenants took it to say no ELECTRICAL instruments, so it is completely fine to play the acoustic guitar at 3:00 in the morning cause surely that isn't loud.

We have let them know it is.

We had seven (7!!!!) weeks of bliss from the week before Thanksgiving until last Sunday. They all left to be loud at their family's abodes and we enjoyed living in a home where I could sleep, peacefully, at any moment during the day or night!

THEN. SUNDAY. They returned. And returned they did. It was no mystery when they got home. The herd stomped upstairs, dog started barking and then the mother fucking assfucks started playing the god damn...wait for it...bongos. BONGOS!!!!!!!!!!!

Naturally the first visual I got was that they were all doing the Matthew Maconahay, doing a little puff puff give and all sitting around naked.

We let this go on for about ten minutes, in the hopes that they would SURELY realize it was 11:45 at night. On a WORK NIGHT. We give those college kids ENTIRELY too much credit.

I was wearing my typical mismatched pajama get-up, I had on a pink top that had cherry blossoms on it, looks terrible, most comfortable PJ's EVER!

My bottoms were some kind of flannel pants

And on my feet were flip flops...much like that dude above.

My hair was held back with an elastic hair band. I tried to provide as many visuals as possible, but the point was I looked a hot mess.

I walked outside, rang their doorbell, here comes some redheaded dude that I recognize from the house, but still, again, not sure if he lives there. He opens the door and he gives me a once over and I lean forward, stare him directly in the eye and say, "SERIOUSLY?"

"Ummm, sorry, we will put it up."

"NO. DUDE. SERIOUSLY! Do you see these? (I wave my hand over my body) These are pajamas. I SLEEP in them. I would like to USE them to SLEEP in. RIGHT NOW. It is fucking MIDNIGHT!"

How dense do you have to be?

We have knocked on their door countless times asking them to shut up. We have banged on the ceiling with brooms. We have called the cops on them AT LEAST 5 times. We have complained to the landlords. Nothing works. I sure do miss back in the day when I owned my own house. Those were blissful times.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Almost Forgot!

I almost forgot to do this thing I was tagged on from Kat!

Rules are: Post my favorite photo. Doesn't matter which photo, it just has to be my favorite and on my hard drive.

Well, fuck. Don't you know that every picture I have is my favorite?!?!?!?

I am going to take it back a few four years or something...maybe five...what year are we in?!?! WTF? How does it go by so fast? Well, anyway, this is me and my friend Brian when we were visiting Seattle. Just so you know, Brian is like 1,000 feet tall, which equals 6'6", so it was just amazing we were both able to get in the shot in the first place. We were down at Pikes Market peeping out the "gum wall", which is in the left of the picture. (totally gross, people)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

In Remembrance...

To Bobz Mom, Diane: (who passed around 10:30 last night) rest in peace. My last memory of you was of you giving me a hug in our hallway on your way back to North Carolina. Thank you for making my last memory such a good one.

To Bobz: I love you so, so, so very much!!!!!! This is going to be a fairly long journey for you. No matter how much you prepare yourself, the feelings of loss are inescapable.

The wonderful thing is that these feelings you feel will pass.

With just the right mix of Xanax, friends and beer (and the mix should only be Xanax and friends or friends and Xanax and beer, we aren't in freakin college anymore and we all know that is bad for your liver or kidneys or something...GAH the things we did to ourselves...) you will find yourself over that hump in no time. Much, much love.

Bobby's brother Dale on left, father in back, Bobby on right, Nathaniel (Dale's son, Bobz nephew) on Diane's lap

Bobby?!? What is your hair doing?!?! LOL!

Ready for the beach! (Her favorite place to be!)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009 Posts

AWESOME! I improved my blogging significantly in the year 2009!

236 posts. That is AWESOME! I feel that at least 200 of those posts was about doing something of great fun! It was a good year...travelling, new friends, visitors, beer and another year older. Looking forward to 2010 and hope to have even more fun to share with everyone!

Hugs -N- Shit! (thank you Debbie for sharing that phrase with ya, mean it!)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Weather Talk - Again

Wind Chills:

We are having some unseasonably cold weather!!! For the last four nights it has been anywhere from 23-27 degrees!!! That is pretty much unheard of here! We will typcially have a freezing night, followed by about two weeks of non-freezing, then maybe get another freezing temp in there and then we are done. It appears that the trend will keep up for the better part of the week!

Check out what I woke up to this morning!

9:00 in the morning and it feels like 24 degrees outside!

According to the weather channel we could be looking at some "winter precipitation Thursday night into Friday morning" I am pretty sure that means snow. As I read farther down it does mention that "using the top-down sounding analysis method...any precipitation that falls from Thursday evening through Friday afternoon will likely be in the form of light snow."

You can bet your bippy this chick will be frolicking in said snow if that happens!!!
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