Monday, September 14, 2009

A Wench and A Gutterslut: They Shared An Office Once

I need to give a shout out to my former office twat mate, Deb, who left us many moons ago to become a whore housewife. I still am pretty bitter about her leaving miss her very much!

So the other day I was reading this post she put up about her desktop. Go ahead, go read, it is short, sweet and involves Calvin and Hobbes.

Did you go? Back already?

Well, anyway, if you went (and you better have or I am gonna put a foot in your eye) you may have noticed that on the third screen shot down, there is a picture of me on Debbie's desktop.

This is funny for a multitude of reasons.

1. I read the post AND commented on it without even noticing that my face was there.

2. I look damn good on Debbie's desktop.

3. Debbie looks damn good topless on a desk.

4. The above had nothing to do with the first two items.

It just made me laugh that I was too busy reading the Calvin and Hobbes cartoon strip to notice my own face.

Thanks Debbie for making me laugh!!! I miss you ya WENCH!

P.S. You all have ten more days to purchase something for me for my birthday!
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