Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I am Being Watched...

I am fairly certain that Marlboro is stalking me. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I have been playing the 100 Days of Flavor, which is 100 days of prizes that you have to sign on and enter for on a daily basis. The prizes range from Cars/Trucks, Plasma TV's, $40,000.00 in gold bars to hot sauces, gift certificates and pogo sticks. Just kidding about the pogo sticks.

SO, I have been faithfully participating every day.

The first prize I won was a Cuisinart Two To Go coffee maker. SWEET! I love coffee!

The second prize I won was a metal mounting bottle opener thing. Awesome! I love beer, but rarely have a bottle that needs to be opened at the house. (Cans are smaller and fit better in our beer fridge)

The third prize (won today): a credit card bottle opener.

It is like Marlboro KNOWS me. Coffee and beer. Really, what more do we need in life?

Well, BESIDES strippers and Mexican food.

OH! And by the way! Today marks day ONE of Jessica's Birthday Month! As we do every year, it is an all month celebration! Can I get a wha wha!! Chic-ka Chic-ka!

I MAY be going to go to a free concert this weekend for my birthday...can we say Drivin and Cryin opening up for Collective Soul in Atlanta...FOR FREE!!!! However, the free only starts at the concert doors, BUT our friend Justin has said that he would be going as well and would drive AND we can stay at his parents house!!! Despite lack of funds, this might be do-able!

Did I mention that Collective Soul came out with a new album last week? Go get it! NOW.
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