Monday, September 28, 2009

Never Thought This Day Would Come

I need a break from beer.


I know! Jessica? Is that you?

Yes, it really is me, and I have been diligently working on that keg ALL WEEKEND.

OH! But first, let me tell ya about my birthday! (Pictures will follow at some point this week!)

Thursday, birthday day, Joe (boss man) took me out to eat where I partook in one beer. Apparently that was my limit since we had to work or whatever. Got back to work and new office mate, Linda, had bought me two six packs of beer, so we celebrated with that about 4:00.

The Girl, Krystal, sends over one of our friends, Whitney, who works in an AWESOME chocolate shop/cafe to deliver a box of various goodies, including a red velvet cupcake. OMG. LOVE!

After work, pick up Bobby and Andy at my house, roll out to Wild Wings downtown. Eat, drink, laugh, play! This is where the party started growing.

Players: Bobby (Roommate), Andy (Bobby's cousin), Krystal (The Girl), Chaz (Friend we met through Bobby), Amy (Friend of Debbie), Debbie (Used to work at the law firm), Angela (Attorney at the firm), Dave (Senior Partner at the firm), Wick (MOST senior partner at the firm), Joe (My boss and senior partner at the firm), Steve (Husband of Beverly, also an attorney at ANOTHER firm), Beverly (Senior partner at the firm), Larkin (My whore) and Paul (My whores' whore). As the night went on there was also the addition of at least four more of our friends.

SO, then we headed to The Bar Bar where my friend, Christine, is a bartender. Not only is she the bartender, her boyfriend is the DJ, so he opens up the back room for us, JUST US, for three or so songs. The dance floor was allllll ours. It was SO GREAT!!!

THEN we headed to a bar called The Rail...where they have HELIUM KARAOKE! (Sunshine and Mitzy are ecstatic that we FINALLY went, I can hear thier screams of joy from here!)

So, helium karaoke. Genius. If it hadn't been so damn loud in there it would have been even more hilarious, but I heard myself and myself thought it was terribly funny and have decided that if anyone EVER gets the chance to do karaoke while sucking helium, DO IT. NOW!

After we drank about 15 pitchers of beer we decided to go BACK to The Bar Bar and dance some more. And dance we did. WOW.

I had already put in that I was taking off on Friday, so the entire day was spent recovering. It was pretty rough. There was ALOT of cheap beer and I think it is safe to say that cheap beer gives you the WORST hangover. Well, maybe except for Rumplemintz. That hangover is unspeakable. Friday night was spent watching a little TV and relaxing!

Saturday. Whew...ok, Saturday we had a wedding to go to at 4:00. I had actually forgotten that we were supposed to go to this wedding and on Thursday night had invited a shit ton of people over for the kegger and cookout. SO, we had to un-do all those plans, but I still had to get the keg since the State of Georgia is still in ancient times and does not sell alcohol on Sunday.

We get the keg, go to the wedding (not with the keg though) which was themed University of Georgia, complete with the groom wearing a vest with the mascot Uga all over it. The mullets were sweet, teeth were optional AND there were people tailgating at THE WEDDING. We forgot to bring a camera. BIG mistake.

After the wedding we hurried home and started on the keg. Realizing that it is going to be VERY difficult for 3 people to finish 200 beers by Tuesday, we decided to get recruits. We invited Larkin and Paul over for a unfriendly game of Cranium. We attacked the keg with great force and got through about 70 beers Saturday night.

Sunday produced quite a painful awakening, however, we all pulled through and were able to start that party up again about 6:00pm with hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad and some rounds of Spades. We had about 10 people over to help with the keg.

This morning, not only was the keg floating, so was my head. I drank from 6:00pm till 12:00am, and at 8:00am I was still feeling it. Waking up slightly intoxicated just isn't fun.

So tonight, I declare it to be non-beer or any kind of alcohol night for Jessica.

OH! You know how I make Christmas lists like here and here and I have been wanting my First-Up Tent w/ air ventilation at the top?!?!

I got my tent for my birthday!!

WHOOP WHOOP! Thanks to Bobby, Christine and Krystal! They always know EXACTLY what I want!
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